☆ミ Chapter Seven - Part Three ☆ミ

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'Six days left Five, what are you going to do' Delores says. "I know that, you don't have to keep telling me" I sigh, it's not enough time.

Ashley's PoV

I had fallen asleep with my earbuds in, surprise surprise. Wireless ones makes it so much easier to do so... I woke up due to the loud banging. Sounded like guns. I sigh getting up and poking my head out of my door. "HEY KEEP IT DOWN WOULD YA!" I shout, shaking my fist before two masked figures turn to stare at me pointing guns. "Oh crud" I squeal, slamming my door shut and panicing. Suddenly 'Let's kill tonight' by Panic! At the Disco comes on. "Oh how fitting" I sigh sarcastically. Before charging at the door and leaping over the banister past the gunmen. "OH SHIT!" I Shout falling through the air. "ASHLEY!" Diego shouts running to catch me. Luckily he does, "Oh fancy meeting you here" I smirk. "COME ON! IT'S NOT SAFE" He yells pulling me alongside him and into the Living room. The gunmen aren't giving up easily and continue to fire at us from above. "Oh great idea genius now they have the highground" I sigh, before running over to the drinks cabinet and doing a backflip over it to dodge the spray of bullets.

"ASH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Diego yells but I'm ignoring him, busy grabbing two pistols from behind two old whiskeys. The masked mayhemers come into the room and I duck down behind the bar, quickly loading the pistols. Sadly I wasn't quick enough as the bullets began to rain again aiming at the couch Diego was behind. I growl trying to go invisible but I doesn't seem to be working. "rats" I mutter, jumping up onto the bar, "HEY ASSHOLES" I shout before aiming towards the gunmen and opening fire. They turn their attention to me shouting to each other, "Is that her?" "I'm not sure, her hair seems different" "Let's take her just incase" I do some more flips to avoid the bullet's spray and nick the blue ones leg, I can't believe how bad my aim is tonight jesus, must be the new eyes. Luther and Allison suddenly join the party as Luther knocks one on the head and Allison kicks the blue teddy. I sigh reloading the pistols, "Duel wield they said, it will be fun they said." I murmer running out to join the rest of the gang.

"Allison!" I scream, seeing the blue man choke her, "Get away you cocksucker!" I shout, shooting him in the foot, so he drops her. He cries out a loud ow before Luther comes and flings him away. Great now Luther will get the credit, how lovely.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Allison asks, heavily panting. "I don't know, I think I may have seen them before" I reply walking over to her, she stares at me for a second "Oh I got an upgrade" I smirk, twirling around before the maskers open fire on us again. "Shit!" I exclaim, sliding behind the door in order to get some cover from the swines. "Get out of here now! Go!" Luther shouts, "Well I didn't plan on staying" I shout back, fleeing the scene. Hang on, we are missing someone... "KLAUS" I yell, remembering he was in the tub. "shit shit shit shit shit please be ok oh please." I shout running up the stairs as fast as I can, I bump into Vanya on the way "GET OUT NOW!" I yell shaking her, she flinched and pushes me away before running down the stairs asking what was happening. "VANYA LEAVE GET OUT!" I shout again, running after the girl and into the living room, "Get away who even are you?" She screams, once again shoving me away. "It's me, Ashley for fucks sake listen to me! You have to get out of here NOW!" I scream, pushing her towards the door, she still seems weary of me but her expression quickly changes, "LOOK OUT" She shouts, pointing behind me.

I turn to see blue bear coming towards me with, a morning star? Oh hell no that shit hurts. Hold the pistols up in an attempt to block the attack, all it does is send them flying away from me, why didn't I just shoot??? I scream, dodging his swings, hoping he will get tired before me. I grab a pipe off the ground: it must have broken off earlier, and use it as a makeshift sword. "You need to come with us mam" The bear growls, still swinging away trying to kill me. "What, why so you can kill me?" I gulp narrowly avoiding the swings. I seem to be tiring out oh shit. "Preferably not, boss wants you alive" he replies, putting all his remaing energy into this last swing, "Huh wh-" The spikes clash against my shoulder and I fall to the floor, body aching. The worst part is that my earphones went flying out.

"Hey Asshole" I hear Luther say, distracting big blue for a while so I can shimmy away, Vanya comes over to me and tries to help me up, I look at my shoulder and all I see is red. "Klaus... we have to get him, he's upstairs" I stutter, leaving Vanya's grip and joining Luther in the hall, I see him doing the tango with blue and I attempt to flop past them, Vanya grabs me and runs back to the living room, "Vanya-" Luther starts before Blue Launches him into the air. I hear the footsteps of someone walking towards us, I growl and run round the corner only to find big blue standing in the way, he grabs my collar "Quit it" He yells as I kick his shins. I ball my fist and punch him with a scream, the moment my fist hits him he goes flying back into the hall, seemingly electrocuted on the way. I collapse on the ground.

Next thing I know Diego is dragging me to the stairs, suddenly the chandiler drops, falling onto Luther and making Allison scream, Diego does his best to shield me. "I-is space boy?" I say lightly pushing Diego away. He's not, he get's up like nothings happend however all his clothes are ripped revealing a very hairy body, like that of an apes. All three of us just stare, unsure of what to say or how to react, I hear a "holy shit" come from Diego "Indeed, holy shit" I say back, unable to take my eyes of the ape man infront of me. Vanya joins us, she too now staring at the hairy beast. But Luther is only looking at one person and one alone, Allison. I wince as a sudden shock runs down my arm, I groan, ripping part of my skirt off and using it to tie around my shoulder in efforts to stop the bleeding, in hindsight I should have done this earlier but didn't have any time. Luther runs past myself and Diego and away up the stairs, probably in an attempt to hide his shame. If he wasn't such a selfish prick maybe I'd feel bad, or maybe i'm just too cold...

"Did you know?" Vanya asks, as Allison walks over to her, she looks over at me on the stairs, before shaking her head, "No" Diego turns to me and helps me up, "Guess we are patching you up again huh?" He groans. "Guess so." I sigh, he hears something and apologises, "Hey Allison, could you maybe  help Ashley? I have something I need to do sorry." He says before running away up the stairs. Odd ball... "Oh my, o-of course here Ash, I'll patch you up" She says with a smile. I return the smile as she leads me to the kitchen. Vanya follows. As Allison deals with my shoulder, I sigh thinking about what the masked man said, boss wants me alive. The commision is after me then. Great just what I needed. I recognise the masks, I recognised the voice. Just who does it belong to...

I apologise for the late chapter, I apologise for this chapter, writing fighting sequences isn't really my gig sorry. And I'm just generally sorry? Anyhow I wanted to thank you for getting this book to 2.4k views like wow?? How?? It means a lot it really does. Please remember to vote if you enjoyed that chapter, comment if you feel like it and follow me pixel, to see my updates and check to see if there are any issues! Love you all so much!

- Pixel :3

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