☆ミ Chapter Nine - Part Two ☆ミ

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"American or Brittish?" I ask, picking at my nails. The bells chime out, and the man gets up walking over to me.

"Happy New Year Miss Ashley" He gives a weak smile, I smile back. American.

Five's PoV

Ashley was still fast asleep beside me, I was finally, and regretfully, telling Luther about the end of the world. "We die?" He asks I nod "Horribly." pausing, before continuing on, although it may come across that I hate my family, it didn't make seeing them dead any less painful. "You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world." Luther is trying to process it all, "Wait, how do you know that?" he asks, a confused look plastered on his face. I sigh, taking out the glass eye from my pocket, brushing over the paper heart in the process, "This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you." I toss it over to him, maybe he will recognise it and it could lead us to, well, a lead. He looks it over in his hands "Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down." I look back over to Ash, as she stirs in her sleep, I gently rub her back in an attempt to both comfort her and wake her up. "Whose head?" Luther asks, "I don't know" I sigh. "Was she there?" Luther asks, pointing to Ashley, I just look over to her and shake my head, "I-I never found her body, I looked for days, maybe even weeks before reaching the conclusion that she was crushed, I thought she was dead." I murmur, brushing some of her hair away from her face. Luther just stares at us both, "Sorry" he mutters, before deciding to state the obvious. "Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try--" I cut him off "No, that's a dead end." I let out a disheartened chuckle, "It's just another hunk of glass"

Diego comes busting in waking Ash up in the process. "Kasper! Wait, what? I'm awake sorry" She shouts, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "Who's Kasper?" I ask, rather stern, her eyes go wide before she laughs, "A friendly ghost" Diego comes rushing over to me, clearly mad. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" Luther luckily stops him and Ash just backs up to the wall. The pair fight for a few seconds, Luther winning asking Diego to explain himself. "Our brother's been pretty busy since he got back." He says, staring me down. "He was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's,-" Ash butts in "Maybe not the best time to say, but I was there too." Diego stares, disappointment in his eyes, continuing his list "and then at the Gimble Brothers after the guys in the masks attacked the Academy, looking for the pair of them" Ash shakes her head. I speak for the both of us "None of which is any of your concern" Diego, still mad says "It is now, They just killed my friend" he pants, Ash looks at him, saddened and clearly wanting to comfort him. "Diego I'm so sorry I-" Luther cuts her off, again, "Who are they?" Ash moves towards me and crosses her legs, still giving Diego an 'I'm sorry' look. "They work for our former employer. A woman called The Handler, she sent them to stop us. Then as soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well fair game." I explain, hoping that's all I'll need to say. "And now they're my fair game. And I'm going to see to it that they pay." Diego says, walking away clearly wanting revenge, whoever they killed must've meant a lot to him. "That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous than you." He isn't listening "Yeah, we'll see about that." is all he says, leaving the room and slamming the door.

Ashley gets up from the bed "Where are you going?" Luther asks and she just motions to the door, "He shouldn't be alone right now" Is all she says, grabbing her guns "No Ash, we need you here." He says, and she just glares at him "Oh so all of a sudden you need me? Oh, how the tables have turned" she sarcastically states, flopping down next to me again. "What's this really about? And don't give me any of this 'It's none of your business' crap, all right?" Luther asks us, it was like he was interrogating us both. Ashley laughs, "It's a long story" Luther sits down again, eager to hear our stories, clearly Ash and mines will be different, so I start, telling the pair about how she just appeared one day in the apocalypse, how she told me about the commission and that she offered me a job, I took it in exchange for returning to the Academy, after working there for five years. Ash just looks at me shocked, "FIVE YEARS?" She yells and I nod, "I was stuck there for like 27" she groans, grabbing a pillow and throwing at the wall, "Sorry love," I say, taking her hand and squeezing it before turning back to Luther "They turned me into the perfect instrument for rehabilitation of the time continuum or 'corrections' as they called them. I wasn't the only one, there are others like me, Ashley for example. Beings out of time, fractured, extracted from the lives that they knew. I don't know how they got there, but I do know that none of them were as good as me, besides the one referred to as The Ghost. It should've clicked at the time but it clearly didn't, she was a legend as hardly anyone saw her, looking back now it was obviously Ashley, yet they never allowed us to work together, and if we did, we didn't even see each other. They didn't realise it but I was biding my time trying to figure out the right equation so I could get back. If I could just get back, I knew I could stop the apocalypse. Save the world, and hopefully see Ash again." I stop and look over at her and she blushes "Aw shucks" she smiles, playfully punching my shoulder. "So I broke my contract and then I saw you assholes again" I laugh, finishing my story. Luther looks at me wide-eyed, seemingly amazed by the story, maybe his brain was too small and couldn't understand what I had just said.

"Ashley?" He asks, wanting her story. "Uh uh nope you aren't getting mine you prick, just cause it's the end of the world it doesn't mean I forgive you" she growls, sticking out her tongue at the man. I snigger at her response and Luther just glares at her. "So... you were both hitmen?" he asks, "Yes," Myself and Ash say at the same time. "Uh... I mean you had a code, right?" Luther says, stumbling on his words. "You didn't kill just anybody." Ashley laughs again. "No code, if you messed with the timeline you were dead." She says, emphasising the word dead. "What about innocent people?" Luther asks, always trying to act like the bigger person. "It was the only way I could get back here." I say, "And you? What's your excuse, Ashley?" He says, shocked and turning to face her "They basically owned me! What did you want me to do? Would you rather I had killed myself." She shouts, folding her arms. "But that's murder!" Luther exclaims, "Jesus, Luther grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people going about their lives. But when the world ends all those people die, including our family." I state, looking over at Luther as he takes a moment to process everything. Ashley sighs "Time changes everything," I say. "Time changes everyone" She adds, staring at the mirror, a despondent look on her face as she squeezes my hand.

IM BACK BAAABBEEEYYYY. I apologise about how long this took but I have been so so so so so so SO busy, with health, exams, friendships (ruined friendships to be exact) and just life in general. However I am happy to be back and doing something I actually enjoy for a change, so stay tuned for more updates are definetly to follow. Love you all and thanks for staying with me, despite my extreme lack of existence for the past year basically aha.

Love you all
-Pixel xxx

A Ghost You Say? (Number Five X OC) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now