☆ミ Chapter Eight - Part One ☆ミ

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Five's PoV

I held the knife closer to the man who was driving, he tried to spike up some form of conversation but I wasn't in the mood for any small talk, I'm the one holding the knife here. My mind started to drift to Ash, I haven't seen her since she and Klaus robbed the corner shop and quite frankly I don't trust my brothers ability to look after her. I once again took the paper heart out of my pocket and stared at it in awe, i traced the words with my thumb and smiled. 

"What's that you have there?" The doctor asks, peering over at the fragile heart. I glare at him before shoving it back into my pocket. "Right sorry" He says, an hint of fear evident in his tone. I sigh, "It's from someone close, you wouldn't understand it's all very complicated" I grab the bridge of my nose, questioning my descision to speak to my hostage. He just laughs "Well from the look on your face it clear you love her" I glare at him again but my expression quickly softens thinking of Ash and the good times we have shared, before everything went to shit that is. The rest of the journey is silent, until we get out the car and the doctor asks what he's to do. "Keep walking" is all I say before I smell the strong, familiar stench of smoke. I look up at the Meritech building only to notice flames and clouds of smoke puffing out of the building. "SHIT!" I exclaim, dropping the knife and running towards the enterance of the lab. I stand only for a second before someone grabs me and pushes me to the ground, sheilding me from the explosion that happened only miliseconds after. I get up from the ground with only a few scratches and grazes, before looking at the building with rage, I rememeber that someone basically saved me and turn to my left to see a girl in the academy uniform laying next to me.

"Ow, my shoulder" She groans, rolling over to her side. The girls hair was a shoulder length and a light blonde, with dark roots. However the voice was familiar. She chuckled "Well Five, I guess you owe me now don't you?" getting up off the ground and dusting herself off, still facing away from me. "Ashley?" I blurt out, reaching out to her arm and gently tugging at her to face me. That's when I saw her, her face that I could never forget due to it's beauty, the face I had fallen in love with over the years, but something was different. Her once brilliantly hazel eyes had become black with white moons floating in the centre. I step back shocked at her new look, but still hang onto her arm. "Surprise" She smiles, rubbing her arm awkwardly. What had happened to her in the time we had been apart? I pull her in for an embrace, whispering "I'm never letting you go, I'm sorry" and rubbing her back.

Ashley's PoV

Five was hugging me, and I really needed it. I held on to him as if I would never see him again, he managed to calm me down and I smiled, knowing he really meant each word. He then whispered "And don't worry, I love them" before softly kissing my cheek and taking my hand, pulling me away from the debris of the lab. I was a gibbering mess, he doesn't mind my eyes, he said he loves them, he loves me? I skip alongside him

"Where to now boss?" I smile, swinging our arms as we walk, Five sighs "I don't know, that was our best lead and just like that. Gone.". I frown, "I'm sure we will figure out something Five, for now let's just enjoy the rest of the day yeah?" he stares at the ground for a minute then looks to me, he melts into a smile asking "wanna get pished?" rasing an eyebrow. I laugh "I thought you'd never ask my love" Before running to a nearby shop.


"A-and then this big chandlier, it just falls down onto Luther, but-but get this right {hiccup} he isn't even hurt he just rips of his shirt hulk style {hiccup} and reveals to us all he is part gorilla or someshit" We had manged to find our way to the library, turning up already drunk but giving no shits what so ever. I had decided to tell Five all about the break in and he and I sat laughing about it all. "No way really! I wondered why he was so bulky, then I was like aha must be for Al-allison" Five replied, slurring his words just as much as I was. We had managed to claim a corner of our own, the walls covered in equations from the start of the night when we were actually trying to do some good.

"Sssoooo the funny thing is, I recognised the the the burgalar people things, one had like this blue mask thingy and the othe-" Five put his finger to my lips shushing me, "have I eveerrr told you how beautiful you are Ashley?" he smirked, slinking his arm round my waist and pulling me to face him. I giggle "Haavvee I ever told you how, ccuuteee you a-are?" I smile putting my arms around his neck. "Haaavee I ever told you how much I-I love you aaasssshhhh, I love you so muuuuuccchhh wh-when I got stuck in the future, thinking of you was th-the only thing keeping me sannnee" He says, showering me with kisses as he was telling me this, making me giggle even more. "I miisssssed you so much, just so so much, like if you weren't here right now I-" I stop and burry my head into his chest, he rocks me back and forth "I am never, EVER leaving you again my dear! No matter what happensss you-you're coming with me." He says kissing the top of my head. The last thing I remember was Five saying he loved me another 50 times and me saying it back. What a drunken mess we are...

A Ghost You Say? (Number Five X OC) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now