☆ミ Chapter Eight - Part Two ☆ミ

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No matter what happensss you-you're coming with me." He says kissing the top of my head. The last thing I remember was Five saying he loved me another 50 times and me saying it back. What a drunken mess we are...

Ashley's PoV

I woke up in Diego's arms, away from the library, must have blacked out as I'm having a hard time remembering what happend. "A-Am I awake before sleeping beauty" I slurr, giving Diego a fright as he thought I was knocked out cold, "You are, how much did you drink Ash!" He whisper shouts making me chuckle and beckon for him to come closer and have a listen, he does so I whisper "toooooo much" before laughing at his unamused face. "She awake then?" Ew Luther's here, why is he here? Ruining my good night with my boyfriend tsst who does he thing he is. "OOooooooh you're  here" I groan, peering over Diego's shoulder at the ape man carrying Five. A small groan comes from Five making me laugh, "wakey wakey sunssshine" I tease, shouting over from Diego's arms, "You know I could just drop you" Diego smirks making me cling to him for dear life, "n-no sir, sorry sir" I say earning a smirk off him. Diego lets me know we are going to his place and I nod before hearing a little burp come from Five.

"If you vomit on me!" Luther says to the drunk boy, I giggle shouting "Do it Five! S-some {hiccup} people would pay top dollar for that privaledge" Five giggles. "You know what's funny? Aah, I'm going through puberty." Five then scoffs "Twice!" I burst into laughter "Mozel Tov Dear!" I shout back at him, he blows me a kiss as a response. He chuckles continuing, "I draank that whole bottle, didn't IIIII?". "{hiccup} I drank two! I wiiiinnn!" I laugh, throwing my arms up in victory. "That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye, right Aaaassh?" he asks, we are still being carried by Luther and Diego so props to them for putting up with us. "Poof, it's gone!" I slurr, trying to steal one of Diego's knives getting swatted away by him a few times. "What are you guys talking about?" Five asks Luther and Diego. Personally I didn't care but I could hear Luther explain the break in situation, in a much more serious way than I. "They came looking for the pair of you!" Diego adds, giving me a stare, "Ahh ye{hiccup}ah Ashley was telling me, how boring" Five mumbles. Diego then proceeds to tell us we need to focus before Five buts in with the two names I had been wanting to hear all day. "Hazel and Cha-Cha". "T-T-THATS THEM! HOLY SHITBALLS I KNEW IT" I scream, almost falling out of Diego's arms. This gained a lot of who's and whats so I answered. "They are top of t-their game." "Best of the best, except for Ash of course" He smirked pointing at me, I laugh "I think you were better". "How about we say we're even?" Five asked, crossing his arms,  "the best of what?" Luther asks, ruining our little conversation, I groan "suuucchhh aaa paaaaarty pooooooooper!"

"Delores always said she hated me when I drink, she said it made me surly--" Five says, talking about his mannequin friend who was left in the van this time,  "Hey!" Diego shouts shutting him up, "I need you to focus, what do this hazel and cha-cha want?" he asks swinging me around to face Five, I smile as Five takes my hand giving me a wink before looking to Diego attempting an innocent smile. "We just want to protect you both" Diego sighs. "Protect me. I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've  killed? How many Ash  has?" I groan, not wanting to talk about this anymore but Five just squeezes my hand, his speach isn't as slurred now, this could be important. "I'm half of the fricken horsemen, and her right there, she's the other two. Not so innocent now huh? The apocalypse is coming." Five states before bending over Luther and throwing up, Diego looks down at me and I simply shrug, neither confirming or denying these claims.

Diego's PoV

Ashley had dozed back off in my arms, and Five in Luthers, so when we got back to my place I set Ashley down on my bed in hope she'd be more comfortable and wouldn't vomit on it. Luther holds Five looking confused. "What?" I ask him. "Where am I putting him?" he gestures to Five. I just stare at Luther blankly, "Uhh, the bed?" I state matter of factly, "But Ash is on the bed." I faceplam, before moving her over slightly, Luther still looks dumbfounded so I grab Five off him and place him next to Ash, Five immediatly finds her body next to his and wraps his arms around her waist snuggling into Ash. I laugh while Luther just stares at the psychotic pair, practically made for each other. Five mutters something under his breath with a smile before pulling her closer. "Funny. If I didn't know they were such pricks, I'd say they look almost adorable in their sleep" I state, watching the pair as Ash moved her head closer to Five's chest. "Well don't worry, they'll sober up eventually. He back to his normal unpleasant self and her back to her obnoxious, bitchy self." Luther adds, turning to face me. "Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these Lunatics before someone else dies." I say, making my way over to my desk. "All that stuff he was saying before, what do you think he meant by that?" Luther asks, but I hear a loud thumping come from the hall and signal for him to shush, the masked lunatics, may have followed us and are here now with us. Footsteps are approaching the door so I get ready to throw a knife, walking up the stairs and waiting at the door. Al tells me about the phonecall and I realise I need to go, now!

I'm baaackk! Hope you enjoy these two chapters my guys and remember to comment and vote if you like a chapter!!! Adios for now, im in a rush aha


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