Chapter 1

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Jackson pov

Me and my twin sister Violet are in school in out last class English but she wasn't doing any thing in class, she's looking at at Tony Ridinger her long term crush.

"Just talk to him." I whispered to her getting her attention.

"What no he would never talk to me im a total nobody." She sadly said I hate seeing her so down over someone she likes so such.

"Vie don't say that if he doesn't like you then who cares I like you." I gave her an honest answer hoping it would cheer her up.

"Thanks." She smiled I returned it and focused on my work.

Time skip

School finally ended I followed Vie and watch her call Tony's name and turn invisible he turned around only seeing me.

"Hey Jackson what do you need?" Tony asked

"Nothing just wanted to say hi and that I would love it if we could be friends." I held out my hands and shake his.

"JACKSON, VIOLET COME ON!" I know that voice Dash.

"Well Tony I have to go see you tomorrow." I run to the car with mom, Dash, Jack-jack, and Vie. "I think I just became friends with Tony." I tell Violet in the car.

"Really? That's awesome now you could invite him over and well all be friends." Violet hopefully told herself.

I know Vie has a crush on Tony almost as long as I have but I could never tell her that it would brake her heart so I'm back down so she can be happy.

"How was school Vie?" Mom asked Violet while I play with Jack-jack I think I'm the only one who knows he has powers I always babysit him because I'm the only one who cam handle him.

"What about you Jackson?" Mom asked me this time while Vie watched Jackie.

"It was great I got an A+ on my A.P calculus test and I was elected president in my young genius club." This is no big deal for me because this is a regular thing that happens mom and dad don't really know where I get my brains from but who cares.

"That's amazing honey." Mom congratulated me she then had a talk with Dash about something he did in school I didn't really pay to much attention.

We finally got home mom parked the car I took Jackie with me so mom could get a brake and I went to my room to play this game where I test his powers.

I set him in the middle of the floor and grabbed my cards. "Ok Jackie let's start." I pulled a fire card and he cought on fire, then I changed it to a monster card he turned red, I continued pulling cards until we finished.

"That was good Jackie looks like your powers are growing and you got some new ones." I grabbed my notebook and wrote down his developments.

"Jackson dinner and bring Jack-jack!" Mom called us down for dinner I grabbed Jackie and headed to the table and put Jackie in his high chair.

"Jackson hunny tell dad what happened today." Mom said breaking the silence at dinner.

"Well I got an A+ on my A.P calculus test and I'm president of my little genius club." I smiled brightly.

"That's amazing son what about you Vie, Dash?" Dad asked my sibling who were silent.

"Well your youngest son was sent to the principles office for pranking his teacher with his powers." Mom told dad as she feed Jack-jack.

"Wait what happened?" Dad was confused and wanted someone to explain.

"I put thumb tacks on the teachers seat but I didn't get cought." Dash told dad proud of himself for not getting cought.

"You moved that fast 'huh'?" Dad asked impressed but one look from mom and that disappeared. "I mean this is very disappointing anyways Vie what about you?" Dad changed the subject.

"It was fine." Vie mumbled.

"She's just to busy looking at Tony Ridenger." Dash teased her and I know that she hates it when he does it.

"Shut up." Violet throwing some food at Dash.

"Hey!" Dash yelled and jumped out of his chair and super sped and slapped her over and over and she made a force field so he ran into it and the fighting began.

"Hey stop!" Mom yelled but was ignored. "Bob." She got dad's attention and he lifted the table.

"It's ok mom I got this." I put Violet and Dash in 2 force fields and lifted them in the air. "Can you guys stop can't you see mom's tired and your fighting is not making it better and look at this mess." I lectured them then put them down before I could continue their was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Behind the door stood my favorite and only uncle Lushus I gave him a hug. "Guys it's Lushus."

Dad smiled and got up and grabbed his coat. "Where are you guys going?" Mom asked while I took Jackie to put him to bed.

"Violet, Dash you 2 better clean up that mess in the dinning room by the time I put Jack-jack to sleep or I'll make you clean the house got it?" They nodded. "Good." I continued to Jackie's room I got him to sleep really fast and so I went down stairs to check on Violet and Dash.

The dinning room was clean so I let them go and started heading to bed hopefully tomorrow's better.


And that's a wrap I hope you guys didn't wait long and like this chapter leave a comment and vote.

Thanks and goodbye💁

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