Chapter 7

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Third pov

"This hurts!" Jackson exclaimed as he and his mother stretched themselves to hold the flight panel and the van. "I don't know how you do it mom."

"Sweetie, I've had years of practice. You'll get there." She said yelling over the wind.

"How you doing honey. Jack!?!" Bob shouted over the wind.

"Do we have to answer!" The mother and son yelled back. The Incredibles were approaching the city in their makeshift jet.

"Here we go!!" Bob shouted to the elastic duo. "Now!!" The plane panel broke stretching Helen and Jackson further.

"Ah!" They groaned. Helen grabbed her son and got them back into the van. "Take a seat and buckle up." She told the boy after entering the vehicle.

"This is gonna be rough." Bob told the others as the van started to free-fall. They landed on the highway the van started to swerving.

The kids were thrown around like rag doll but we're lucky enough to have their seatbelts keeping them grounded.

"Ahh!" Violet screamed.

Bob smashed on the breaks cashing the car to screech on the road then start tumbling it did that for a couple more seconds before it landed itself in a parking spot perfectly.

"Is everybody okay back there?" Bob and Helen turned back to look at their kids.

"Super-duper dad." Violet says.

"Yeah, let's do that again." Dash answers.

"I'm surprisingly okay." Jackson clung to his seat wondering why he just didn't put a field around the van to secure their safety.

Their little family moment was interrupted by the loud thumping of the robot and citizens screaming.

"Wait here and stay hidden." Bob tells his family getting serious. "I'm going in." He exits the van with Helen behind him.

"We're not staying in here are we?" Dash asked his older brother and sister.

"Of course not. Dad's gonna need help whether he realizes it or not." Jackson answered.

"What he said." Violet points at her younger twin.

"I'm asking you to wait with the kids!" Bob yelled. The siblings unbuckle themselves and looked out the door to watch their parents.

"And I'm telling you not a chance." Helen tells her husband not liking being told to take the sidelines. "Your my husband, I'm with you for better or worse." She grabs his face and looks him in the eyes.

"I have to do this alone." He says shaking free of Helen's hands.

"What is this to you? Playtime?" She asked the man.


"So you can be Mr. Incredible again?"


"Then what? What is it?"

"I'm not––"

"Not what?"

"I'm not strong enough." Bob reveals to his wife.

"Strong enough? And this will make you stronger?" She asked pointing at the situation.

"Yes––No. ."

"That's what this is some sort of work out!" Helen exclaimed. Bob grabs the woman by her sides.

"I can't lose you again." He says looking her in the eyes. "I can't. . . not again." He sets her down and bows his head. "I'm not–– strong enough."

Helen gave her husband a sad look before smashing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

"If we work together you won't have to be." She says looking into the man's blue eyes.

"I don't know what will happen."

"Hey! We're superheroes. What could happen?" The kids scream as the robots arm games at them. Dash and Jackson moved their sister out of the van in a quick motion as the robots smashed the vehicle.

The family tried to run away but the robot uses it's arms to block their path. It sperates the parent from their children in the process.

"Vie, Jack, Dash. No!" Helen screamed as the robots hand comes crashing down on the siblings.

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