Chapter 8

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Third pov

"Vie, Jack, Dash. No!"

Violet reacted faster than her brothers and encased them in her purple forcefield. Dash and Jack look up from their crouched position at Violet.

The robot slams down it's arm again and Violet holds the bubble up protecting her brothers. The robot takes another step and crashes his body down on the purple bubble breaking it and knocking Violet down.

"Violet?" Dash leans over the girl to check of she's okay. The robot pulls back up and was going to slam down again, alsomst crushing the kids if Jackson didn't shield them.

"Dash grab Vie and when I say "go" run."

"What about you?" Dash asked.

"I'll be right behind you." The robot lifts up again. "Go!" The two boys with their sister speed fr underneath the robot before it crashes back down to the pavement.

Helen grabs Violet from Dash and runs over to a building while Bob distacts the robot.

"I'm okay mom, really." Violet tries to tell her mother, but Helen wasn't allowing them back out.

"Stay here all of you, okay." The woman says before running back out into the fight. The Parr children leans against the wall as they watch Helen run into battle.

Bob runs out of an office building that he was previously thrown into by the robot and tackles the big ball of metal knocking it down.

"Fro-zone!" Bob exclaimed upon seeing his partner in heroism. The man slides by Mr. Incredible and freezes the robots joints.

"Bob–" Helen runs up to her husband when Lucius flying body comes crashing into a car distracting them.

"Hey!–" the robot smacks Bob then goes after Helen but the woman jumped away before it could land a hit on her. She lands on a building window and the robot attempts to stick her, but she moves again.

Fro-zone appears and ices the robots hand giving Helen time to escape. Unluckily for her the robot shots lazers at her and she dodges them like a pro.

Bob opens his eyes and he spots something circular and white in his peripheral vision. He and grabs the device and instantly starts to remember that it was the device Syndrome used to control the bot.

"Syndrome's remote!" Bob yells getting the bots attention. The robot rotates it's head and focuses on the remote. Bob sees the robot eyeing the remote and before he could do anything it crushes him.

Bob gets picked up by the bot and almost drops the remotes he needed to control it but luckily he was able to get a hold of the thing. He panicked and started pressing random buttons until he was let go.

"Ahh!" Violet, Dash, And Jackson watch from the alleyway as their father falls to the ground.

"The remote controls the robot." Violet exclaims looking over at her brothers.

"Way to state the obvious, Vie." Jackson snarked rasing a brow.

"We gotta do something." Dash says before racing out of the alley leaving his older siblings behind.

"DASH!!" They watched the boy run out and tell to their father. Bob shouted something back before throwing the remote to Dash.

"Well, if you can't beat them join em'." Jackson said speeding past Violet and following his brother. The boys run for the remote as they dodged shots from the robot.

The run across the lake and Dash catches the remote. "Got it!" The young boy cheered.

"Dash look out!" Jackson grabbed his brother and shielded them from a beam from the robot. The two rolled across the near street and quickly recovered. "Let's get this thing back to dad."

That being said the two speedsters turned to leave but the robot shot at the area around the boys.

"Honey! Take out it's guns!" Bob shouted to Helen before getting shot by the bot himself.

Helen grabs the lid off a manhole. She stretches out her arm around a street light manufacturing it into a slingshot and launches it at the bots lazer shooter, breaking it.

"Hey!" Fro-zone exclaims coming up behind Jackson and Dash on a slip of ice. "Gotcha." He says grabbing Dash and sliding away.

Jackson shook his head as he made himself invisible and followed the two males on ice.

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