Chapter 4

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Ignore any mistakes please and thank you. My brain has been acting up lately so bare with me.

Jackson pov

Today was such a weird day first I hear mom talking to a guy about how she needs plane second dash runs in to my room throwing a latex red and black suit at me third I'm invisible inside the plane mom was piloting and Jack-jack's at home with a school friend of mine Kony.

I sat in the front close to mom Vie sat on the left of the plane and Dash he was in the back hiding.

"Ok Helen breath." Mom said to herself looking to her bag I'm guessing looking at her suit.

Mom put the plane on autopilot and rushed to the bathroom with her bag that held her suit she came back out wearing the family super-suit that's surprisingly comfortable.

Mom walked out the bathroom throwing her bag at Violet coincidentally "Ahhh!" Vie screamed alerting Dash.

"Violet, Dash what are you doing here? And is Jackson with you?" Mom asked clearly irritated.

"Hi mom." I smiled awkwardly reappeared.

"Wait who's at home with Jack-jack?" Mom asked worried.

"Mom it's fine, I left him in the capable hands of my friend Kony. She's been babysitting since she was ten." I reassured mom.

"Fine but when we get back home you all are so grounded." We nodded it was a understandable punishment.

"So where are we headed?" I asked Mom.

"I was planning to save your father. I want you guys so have no part in this what so ever."

"But mom." Dash whines.

"No. Buts you guys weren't supposed to be aboard the plane in the first place." We hear a beeping noise coming from the front of the plane.

"What is that?" Violet asked.

Mom grabs her headset. "India Golf niner-niner." She presses buttons. "Tansmission in the blind guard. Disengage! Repeat disengage!" Mom yelled over the heatset.

"Disengage! Repeat disengage! Friendlies..." Mom fly's the plane me, Violet or Dash didn't have on our seat belts to we're bumping into everything inside.

"Friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. Angles 10 track east disengage." Mom turns to me and Violet. "Jackson, Vi you two have to put a force field around the plane." She yells.

"But you said we weren't supposed to use out powers?" Violet asked panicked.

"I know what I said! Listen to what I'm saying right know." Mom turned back to the controls. "Disengage! Repeat disengage!"

"Mom?" Dash spoke with fear looking out the window.

"Abort! Disengage their are children aboard! Disengage!

"Jackson! Violet!" Both Violet and I got together. I started off with making a small bubble and expanded it the plane was too big for me to do it alone so I needed Violet's help.

"Come on Vie." I saw her panicking her shield wasn't getting to the right size and mines wasn't growing fast enough.

I tried to speed up the process, but mom grabbed me, Dash and Violet wrapping us in herself. The plane exploded with Mom taking most of the damage, but she wasn't badly hurt.

Mom passed out and unraveled around us now we're free falling towards the ocean.

I made a quick decision grabbing everyone with my stretched limbs and making my body into a parachute. "Brace yourselves!" I said landing us in the water softly.

We entered the water and quickly resurfaced. Mom was still unconscious I held on to her. "OMG watch out!" I shouted pushing Dash, Violet and myself underwater to avoid the giant piece of metal.

The missal glew a white 's' before short circuiting. I joined Violet and Dash on the surface with Mom beside me.

"We're dead~ We're dead~" Dash whines.

"It just blew up!" Violet freaked.

I splashed them with water. "Shut up!" Mom started to wake.

"Oh! Kids your all right." She pulled us in for a short hug. "Those were short range missiles that are land based that way is our best bet." Mom looked to the sky.

"You wanna go towards the people that tried to kill us?" Dash asked.

"If it means land then, yes." Mom answered.

"So, you expect us to swim there?" Violet spoke.

"I expect you to trust me." Mom was getting irritated I could tell by her tone. "I have a plan." Mom stretched herself into a little raft boat. "Jackson, Vi get on and Dash I'm gonna need you to swim."

It took us a while to reach land by the time we did mom and Dash were tired. Violet and I were fine since we didn't do anything.

Mom and Dash finally got up. Mom lead us to a cave, she made a little camp fire for warmth. "I'm gonna go look for your father and I'm gonna need you guys to stay here."

"Mom-" she shushed me before continuing.

"I need you all safe so you need to stay here, until I get back Violet your in charge. And I might not like this but if theirs any danger your allowed to use your powers. Okay?" Dash nodded. Mom pulled out these mask out of nowhere and handed them to us.

She gave us all kisses on our heads before running off. We sat in the cave Violet was practicing her powers trying to contain little fires. Dash was laying around with a bored look on his face.

"Well I'm gonna go explore." Dash stood up and grabbed a bark of wood with fire.

"Mom said we're not supposed to leave the cave." I argued.

"I'm not gonna leave the have." His voice echoes as he walked further away from us.

"You thing he'll be ok?" Violet asked.

"He had superspeed if things get bad he can just run back to us." I shrugged my shoulders. We went back to doing our separate things until we heard Dash yelling.

"Run! Run!" He yelled running past us. We looked down the cave path and saw that it was lighting up.

"Dash what did you do!?" Violet shouted. I picked her up and ran after Dash to the entrance of the cave. "Go up!" Violet yelled in my arms.

Dash and I traveled up the mountain. I set Violet down and we watched the fire shoot out of the cave. "Look." I pointed to the rocket headed into the sky.

"Wow." Dash said.

"We should lay here for the night close to the cave just in case mom comes back." I suggested both nodded and we started settling on the ground.

Sorry for the super late chapter it's almost finished.

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