Chapter 2

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Jackson pov

I woke up felling little hands smacking me in the face I opened my eye coming face to face with Jack-jack.

"I see you got out of your room huh?" I picked him and put him on my bed while I got ready putting on a simple outfit black ripped jeans and white shirt.

"Come on buddy it time for breakfast." I picked up Jack-jack and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey honey I guess Jack-jack found you?" Mom greeted me as I walked in to the kitchen with Jack-jack in my arms.

"Yah, he woke me by slapping me in the face." I rubbed my cheeks and put Jack-jack in highchair.

Mom laughed when I told her that. "Well that sounds. . eventful." She layed out some pancakes on a plate for me and oatmeal for Jack-jack.

Time skip

"Have good day at school kids!" Mom shouted from the car as she dropped of me and Violet at school.

"Bye mom!" I shouted back not caring if it embarrassed Violet at all.

"Jackson stop the other's are staring at us." Violet pleaded

"Vie they're only looking because where fabulous and their opinion doesn't matter." I said grabbing her hand and pulled her class. "Bye Vie see you in english."

I walked threw the halls to A.P calculus I bumped in to someone on the way their. "Oh hey Jackson."

I looked up sum-what meeting Tony's eyes he's an inch taler than me. "Hey Tony how's it going?" I asked.

"Good and you?"

"Perfect but I have to get to my calculus class so I won't be late."

"O-oh ok I'll see you in history yah?" He rubbed the back of his neck blushing.

"Sure." I smiled and patting his shoulders as I walked past him.

I walked in to class talking my seat in the front as always to absorb all the information.

"Morning class." Miss Watson stepped to her desk messy with papers.

"Morning Miss Watson." We replied.

"For the next to weeks we'll be doing a partner project whe–" Miss Watson was interpreted my the class rushing to my desk to be my partner.

Miss Watson clapped her hands loudly getting everyone's attention. "I'll be assigning the partner's so back to your seats." She 'shooed' them away to their seats.

"As I was saying the partner's will be assigned but with the uneven amount of students in this classroom Jackson can work by himself."

I was happy, I get to work by myself most times when a teacher assigns partners I'm always left doing all the work.

"Now your assignment will be over drum roll please. ." I started tapping my hands on the desk while everyone else was quiet.

"Thank you Jackson anyways the project's over derivatives, and integrals." She and I clapped once again everyone else was silent.

"Since everyone once to be so stail besides Jackson, I'll be adding a two thousand word essay." Miss Watson smiled at the groaning class I rolled my eyes at the class I don't even know why their in this class.

Miss Watson started her lesson on the intro to derivatives, and integrals so we could understand it better.


Everyone started packing while Miss Watson erased the board. "Oh don't forget to check the door on your way out for your partner's." I grabbed my things and headed to gym not my favorite class but it's ok.

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