Chapter 3

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Jackson pov

Today I decided to stay home and watch Jack-jack as mom took Vie and Dash to school I didn't really need to go I did my school work and my club doesn't meet until next week.

Dad went to work in a fancy suit it's weird I thought he got fired but I guess he has new job mom is really worried because he comes home late.

I just hope he's not superhero-ing he knows that's illegal that could put the whole family in danger I should follow him one day.

"Appoo~" the sound of Jack-jack babbling cut off my thoughts I guess he's hungry I picked him up.

"You hungry~ huh you hungry." I baby talked him, he clapped his little hands I walked to the fridge opening it grabbing his bottle. "Now do you want cold or warm milk?" I asked

Jack-jack lit his hair on fire. "Warm it is then." I hovered the bottle over his flames warming it up moved when it was warm enough I gave it to him.

"Let's watch a little tv shall we." I carried Jackjack to the sofa and turned on Tom and Jerry cartoon then I surrounded him with pillows so he won't fall while I'm snooping.

I dashed to dad's study typing in many codes to get in to his study when it finally clicked.

I walked in his office with my phone in hand I get to his desk lettered with newspaper articles and clippings all about superheroes being band and what not.

I snapped a few pictures of the papers then traveled to his computer which needed password so I thought of some things he likes.

'Dash' ❌ Incorrect

'Violet' ❌ Incorrect

'Jackjack' ❌ Incorrect

'Jackson' ❌ Incorrect

'Helen' ❌ Incorrect

The computer gave me a hint 'The most valuable thing in life'

'Family' ✅ Correct

When I finally cracked it I celebrated with a small finger wag dance then got back to work looking threw useless files but the last file I checked was labelled.


I clicked on it curious as to why this file was underlined a video popped up a woman with white-ish silver hair.

"Hello Mr. Incredible. Yes we now who you ate rest assured your secret is safe with us. My name is Mirage we have something according to the government neither of us exists. Please pay attention as this message is classified and will not. E repeated I represent. A top secret division the government designing and testing experimental technology we need your unique abilities. Something has happened to our testing facility.

... It is contained within an isolated area it threatens to cause incalculable damage to itself and to our facilities jeopardizing hundreds of millions of dollors worth of equipment... Because of it's highly sensitive nature.

If you except your payment will be triple your current annual salary. Call the number on the card. Voice matching will be used to ensure security. The supers aren't gone Mr. Incredible you're still here ypu can still do great things. can listen to police scanners your choice. You have 24 hours to respond think about it."

The video went blank after she finished I'm so glad I brought my phone and recorded the message.

I was done with all my snooping a decided to go back to Jack-jack hoping he's sleeping I walked out of dad's study and locked the door behind me.

I walked back to the living room and Jackjack was on the ceiling fan. "Jack-jack get down here." He was so surprised he fell of the fan heading for the floor I dove down trying to catch him when he fazed through my hands through the floor. "Jack-jack!"

He reappeared floating above me before transporting in the kitchen "Jack-jack!" I got to the kitchen when he transported again.

"Ahh!" I could still hear him like an echo he reappeared again this time on the kitchen floor. I walked up to him slowly when I got closer he set himself on fire.

"Noo!" I ran under to the kitchen sink grabbing the fire extinguisher spraying him with it calming the flames. "Good" I picked him up then he sneezed shooting out electricity and lazers from his eye's I ducked before he shot me.

"Okay I still need to teach you to get a handle in your powers." I turned around to the broken down kitchen cabinets burned, sink on fire somehow? Few windows broken.

"Okay this is bad but I can fix most of this uh..." I set Jackjack in his play pin with some toys and started with the sink and extinguishing the fire, then moved on to the cabinets scrubbing hard so they wouldn't look so burt, the windows I'll just blame on a neighborhood kid.

I cleaned as fast and efficient as I could before mom gets home but luckily fate was on my side mom came home just as I closed the curtens on the broken window.

Mom walked in with some bags in her hand. "Honey could you get the rest from the car?" I nodded running to the car grabbing the rest of the bags and put the stuff away while mom sat with Jack-jack. "Thanks honey now that I'm back you can do what you want while I take Jack-jack."

I ran up to my room and flopped on the bed taking a well deserved nap...

Or not..


So far so good I'm pretty happy with this chapter.

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