Chapter 9

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Third pov

Fro-zone held on to Dash protecting the boy as they glided across the ice trying to avoid the robot. Seeing as it didn't have it's shooters anymore they thought they were safe.

The thought was quickly thrown out when the bot folded in it's arms to start rolling towards them. Jackson, who trailed behind Fro-zone and Dash.

The ravenett teen moved out of the way to avoid being trampled by the rolling ball of death and stopped on the side of the street.

Lucius took a turn and heard for the lake where he gilded above the water with Dash on his back. The robot stopped seeing that it's targets evaded it's attack, so it launched itself into the lake shooting Fro-zone and Dash up into the air.

Acting on his feet Fro-zone iced the water around them so himself and Dash would land on the concrete ground. Unfortunately for them the little speedster lost the controller for the robot.

Jackson skates across the water to check on his little brother. "Dash!" The older tapped his brother on the cheek multiple times until he opened his eyes. "Good, your okay. Now get up."

Bob, who was far away from the commotion saw the remote land about a couple feet away from him. The hero ran for it, but of course the robot saw his movements and sent out a claw to grab him.

"Ah!" Bob shouted in anguish as the metal claw grabbed him and took him away from the remote.

But where Bob failed Violet succeed. The girl used her invisibility to get around the robot and grab the remote before it could.

"Mom! I've got it, I got the remote." She held out the controller to her mother.

"A remote?" Fro-zone asked loudly, so much so that it attracted the robots attention. "A remote that controls what?"

Violet in a wave of panic started pressing random buttons until she got one that worked. Pressing the big round circular button, jets under the robots claws activated and propelled it away from the group of supers into a building.

"The robot!" Lucius shouted.

The black metallic ball stood back up and faced Fro-zone and the Parr's. "It's coming back!" Dash yelled grabbing the remote from his sister, so he could start pressing buttons. "That's wasn't right."

Unknowingly the boy freed his father from the metal claw behind them. "Give me that." Jackson snatched the remote from the boy. He pressed another bottom hoping it would do something, it did but not what they expected.

The robotic claw that Bob was holding suddenly powered up and closed. Propellers on the edge of the machinery lit up and tried to escape his hold.

"No, no, no–"

That's not doing anything!" Lucius and Hellen talked over each other. Hellen grabbed the remote from Jackson. "Lucius try to buy us some time." Helen asked.

"Try the one next to it!" Lucius shouted as he gilded forward to distract the robot.

"Honey!" Bob shouted to get his wife's attention. Hellen ignored his call and pressed the same round button Jackson pushed and shut off the thrusters on claw Bob was holding. "Wait a minute. Press that button again!" He shouted to Helen.

Helen did as her husband asked resulting in the piece of machinery spinning instead of propelling forward .

"No! The other one. The first one!"

"The first one got it!" Helen shouted back to her husband. She read her hand to press the button Bob needed.

"It's getting closer!" Dash shouted.

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