Preview; An Introduction

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Welcome to the sequel of The Stalcaire Coille! This story continues years after Cale and Arlie have their pups and focuses on their second son, Arlo, when he catches the scent of his mate and goes through 'the change' as he runs away to the city of Coille to find her.

This book is fast-paced, so don't give me shit for it being that way. That's just the story. 

Playlist for this book;

1. |Like Sin—Chase Coy|

2. |Keep Warm—The Drives|

3. |Cherry Wine—Hozier|

4. |White Winter Hymnal—Fleet Foxes|

5. |Go To Sleep—Löic Nottet|

All of these songs pertain to the story's settings and characters.

The Beginning;

ARLO grasped the bow with his long fingers, moving it up and down in the correct staccato motion. Sharp, abrupt sounds vibrated the fiddle he held underneath his chiseled chin, the music echoing throughout the room.

His piece was one of mostly difficult accidentals and sharp bowing instructions, but he made it look easy. He created absolutely dazzling music as he practiced, his eyes no longer on the sheet music in front of him, instead resting on the snowflakes falling outside his window.

He finished off the piece with a long held trill before slumping his shoulders and pushing up his circular glasses with his forefinger. He smiled at his triumph before setting the violin and bow on his bed, running a hand through his short silver locks.

His charcoal eyes that resembled his father's so much were smoldering with their inherited intensity as his face turned solemn. Oh, how he wished to pursue his dreams of being a musician and travel the world. It hurt to watch as your life passed by, much like his had done now he was nineteen years old—which Arlo deemed as the year for adventure, though his parents said otherwise—and ready to be independent.

Instead of standing there any longer, he nodded his head and held it high with determination as he walked out of his room, closing his door behind him.

With that unusual confidence, Arlo waltzed to the living room, where his two brothers and his sister were arguing over a board game.

"Nuh-uh, you bitch. I'm right." Said Caz stubbornly. "It's my move."

But Evander didn't take any of it. "I have been waiting for my turn for two hours, Caz! It's mine." He responded, throwing his hands up and making the board's pieces to fall over and scatter on the wooden floors. Caz growled and stood up, pointing an accusing finger into the chest of Evander, before Erin got in the middle.

"Alright, you asshats. Just do something else. Jesus," she turned away from them and looked at a confused Arlo, who had watched the whole quarrel with an unsurprised face.

"Oh, goody. Finally someone who has at least half a brain." She said sarcastically as she walked over to him. Unfortunately, Erin had inherited the unfortunate height of her mother, as she came only to the middle of Arlo's chest, but had the silver hair of her father. Her eyes were a shining dark amber color that resembled her mother's, along with her impeccable beauty.

He smiled appreciatively at her and the two siblings stuck together like glue. Out of his three siblings, Erin was the closest to him. She was his little sister by only a few months, but had the attitude and wits of an elder one. He loved and depended on her so much more than his foolish older brother and troublesome little brother, both of whom loved to tease Arlo un-relentlessly of his 'girlish hobby'.

Though, he didn't let them get to him.

Erin hugged his side and rested her head on his arm, sighing as she watched her two elder brothers rage over cleaning up the board game's pieces.

"When do you think Mom'll be home?" She asked Arlo. He shrugged and smiled softly.

"Soon." He replied in his quiet, deep voice.

Arlo rarely spoke, as he never found the need to, and was the quietest and shyest of all the family—even his father. He only ever spoke when Erin asked something.

"I hope so." She replied, moving away from his lanky form and moving back to the couch. Arlo sighed and looked out the window hopefully, seeing his giant of a father moving logs and straightening his posture when an idea hit him.

He saw an opportunity and he needed to grasp it. So, he pulled on a coat, a pair of snow pants, a hat and gloves, and then his trusty winter boots before exiting the log cabin. He walked towards his father, trudging through the heavy snow and blinking through the flurry of snowflakes. Finally he reached Cale and cleared his throat.

His father turned and looked at him with a surprised smile, setting one of the huge logs down and approaching him.

"Arlo. Is there something you need?" Cale's scarily un-aged was twisted with concern as he spotted his son's nervous expression, clapping his broad shoulder encouragingly with his huge hand.

"I-I... I wanna go to town." Arlo started, but his father stepped away before he could continue, shaking his head with anger.

"You know that's not going to happen. Your mother and I already discussed this—okay? You're not going to town." His father chorused, his voice clipped and final.

Arlo frowned, the look strange on his usually kind facial features. His sharp jawline was taut as he clenched his teeth, keeping himself from arguing further.

"How am I supposed to make a living for myself then?" He softly spoke after a few minutes. Cale had continued hauling logs, only to drop them again and stoop his head down and sigh.

"We're not arguing about this." He finally said, giving Arlo a stern look. "How about you help me move these logs, okay? We'll discuss this when your mother is back from Fiona." He huffed, moving the log and nodding at Arlo. He only looked away stubbornly and reluctantly picked up a log. The two males hauled logs until the stock by the cabin was filled, the smell of pine in their wake as they finished up and entered the home.

Erin walked up to her father and hugged his waist before stepping back and passing a look between Cale and Arlo.

"Jesus, you guys look alike." She swore. "It's like your doppelgänger, Dad."

Cale smiled at her and looked at his other sons, a confused look crossing his features as he spotted the boys arguing again.

Caz's white hair was ruffled as he continuously ran a hand through it, his amber eyes half lidded as he glared at Evander, who had a smile triumphantly placed on his face.

"Just because I look like Ma doesn't mean I have tits, you idiot." Caz said, making his father choke on his saliva.

"What the he—you know what? I don't wanna know." He shook his head and exited the room, leaving only his children there.

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