Chapter Six; "The Mark."

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HOLDING that same sunflower mug in his large hands, Arlo inhaled the delicious smell of nutmeg and coffee whilst closing his eyes.

He felt calm and relaxed, until his mate's hand brushed against his. He opened his eyes lazily and eyed her with a small smile as she placed a muffin down on the table. She smiled proudly at him, revealing her white teeth. 

Something he loved about her smile was that there was a crookedness to both one of her bottom teeth and the right side of her mouth. Her bottom tooth was slightly turned inwards and the right side of her mouth was lower than her left. It was the cutest, most adorable thing he'd ever seen, and now, whenever she smiled, he couldn't help but feel his heart warm.

"There. One blueberry muffin, perfectly baked." She stated, sitting across from him in the booth. She'd invited him to have coffee with her at the café, grabbing both of their special mugs on eve she'd rushed him out the door.

She insisted upon making him one of her famous muffins, and he couldn't say no.

He eyed her before taking a bite of the muffin. It was beyond delicious and he literally stopped and moaned aloud. The sound was both deep and loud, catching the attention and disrupting all of the women inside the café momentarily as the sound was so deeply masculine and velvety.  They all stopped and stared at Arlo before continuing on whatever they were doing, some of them too flustered to think.

Adair had just paused and open-mouthedly stared at her mate with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that sound had just left his mouth. 

Arlo finished the muffin without a care in the world before he noticed his mate's disturbance. He cocked a brow and his head and looked at her like a lost puppy.

"What?" He asked, causing Adair to shake her head.

"You just gave about every woman in here a heart-attack with that moan." She said, her brows raised incredulously. 

"I did?" His brows furrowed and he looked around, but everyone was looking away from him. Stupidly, he looked at her and narrowed his eyes, his brows still furrowed with confusion.

Adair rolled her eyes, but smiled in spite of oblivion and took a bite of her own muffin. 

"You're stupid." She said, booping his nose after stealing a sip of his coffee as well.

Arlo's facial expression turned into mock disbelief and he snapped his large fingers in a large z shape, giving her all the sass.

"Nuh-uh, Honey. It takes one to know one." He pursed his lips, but smiled when Adair burst out in a fit of loud giggles and snorted.

He couldn't keep that wide, happy smile down, and even joined in her laughter as she clutched her chest and covered her mouth to keep her adorable snorts hidden from the general population that stared at them with wide, bewildered eyes.

"Oh, my gosh." She giggled lightly and rubbed her eyes from the tears that had trailed down her face in her fit of laughter. "Ugh, I love you."

Those, three little words made the both of them freeze instantaneously.

Arlo's wide, disbelieving eyes stared into her equally shocked ones, hope and pure joy making them the color of honey.

"What?" He whispered, afraid he'd stay something stupid if he misheard her. 

"I-I. . ." Adair stuttered, words not flowing as easily as they did in that one moment of joy.

"You-You love me?" He repeated, still as unsure as ever. Though, the sight of a green color was bestowed upon Adair as she saw it infect the top right section of his left eye. She knew what this meant, Arlo explained it to her; his wolf was near.

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