Chapter Twelve; "The Morning After."

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ARLO groaned softly, the peek of sunlight through the window shining through and onto his eyes, warning his skin. It was as if he wasn't warm enough already.

He pawed his messy silver hair out of his eyes and opened them, blinking as he adjusted to the brightness and reality, sighing out his contentment.

Slowly but surely, he remembered the events of the week that followed up to the night before, his gaze drifting down to Adair, who remained asleep beside him wrapped in his embrace. Her head was tucked underneath his, her arms curled up beside her. 

Her chest slowly fell and rose, her naked skin covered by only the blankets of the bed.

He sucked in a breath as he gazed at his mate, her beauty rendering him speechless once again. He trailed a finger down her cheek, across her jaw, and over her collarbone, his touch gentle and soft.

"Hmmmm," she murmured, shifting slightly so her body laid more on the bed instead of sideways. He gulped, the sheets sliding down her form and revealing her absolutely breathtaking body.

His hand trailed down between the valley of her breasts, the softest satiny skin textured with goosebumps. He smirked at that; she was effected by him even when she was asleep. Arlo leaned down slowly, pressing a small kiss to the small space between her breasts.

Adair's eyes fluttered opened as her back arched slightly, Arlo making a path with his tongue all over her torso.

She gasped at the sensation, her hands finding their way to the nape of his neck and playing with the silver hair there. Arlo moaned lowly in response, the sound vibrating against her body and causing a shiver to rack down her spine.

He finally stopped kissing her body and his head came up to hers, his body laying semi over hers. He looked down and into her eyes with a seductive smile.

"Good morning, love." He greeted, his gaze flickering to her lips as he leaned down and captured them with his. 

"Good—" she almost got out, but Arlo used it to his advantage and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. 

He finally pulled back a few moments later, now smiling dorkily at the dazed look on his mate's face. She was so beautiful, he truly couldn't compensate it.

Her cerulean eyes were half-lidded dreamily, her red lips parted as she dwelled on the after-effects of their kiss. She then looked him in the eye and pulled him down for another one, his arms winding around her waist.

They spent a good, long while in bed, kissing and murmuring small things. 

It was still early in the morning when Arlo's stomach finally grumbled with hunger, causing Adair to laugh at his pink cheeks. She then pulled his arms off of her and sat up and slid off the bed, the sheets no longer covering her body. Arlo was almost immediately entranced and very hungry, but for a different reason, as his eyes took in her nakedness like he'd never seen a woman before.

She gave him a look and went to pick up one of Arlo's shirts, but decided against it, smirking his way as she sauntered into the kitchen.

Arlo cursed under his breath and promptly threw the sheets off of him, eager to join his very naked and most definitely sexy mate in the kitchen.

He walked out, pulling his glasses on so he could see, and was lit warmly as he spotted Adair pulling out the ingredients for pancakes. She was butt-naked, just like him, but she moved so confidently and gracefully, it was like watching an angel dance.

He smiled to himself and walked up to stand beside her. Adair paused, feeling his large presence behind her, then slowly shifted her mischievous gaze up the length of his body to meet his eyes. She gulped, the wide span of his delicious muscles, broad shoulders, and muscular thighs brought a wave of desire over her. She didn't miss the way he reacted to her appreciation, a vital part of him starting to grow. She pursed her lips and looked away, hoping he missed her red cheeks.

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