Chapter Four; "The Bar."

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ARE you sure this is it?" Arlo asked uncertainty, his sienna eyes locked onto the worn down building in front of them. Adair gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Yup. This is it." She looked back at the bar before intertwining their hands. Arlo felt his heart palpatate as they walked inside, him watching her enter with a smile. He truly did not know what to do with himself when he was next to her; he felt so. . . So happy.

He had a smile on his face as he took everything in, his grip on his leather violin case tightening as he did so.

Everything was situated like a real saloon straight out of a Clint Eastwood movie, which ultimately confused him because they lived in Scotland and he expected it to be more. . . Scottish.

The walls were wooden and covered with pictures of artwork or advertisements for different stores, the bar being the closest thing to the back and the biggest thing in the whole place.

A small stage with a microphone was propped up by a stand was seated by the bar, a stage light centered on it. He felt his spirits rise and his smile grew wider as he and Adair exchanged excited looks.

There was only a few workers there, setting everything up and talking quietly about the shifts they had.

Arlo and Adair walked up to a middle aged man, who resembled George Clooney on the worst way and had a large beard, his grassy green eyes flickering to them for a moment. 

"Uh, hello. I'm Arlo and this is Adair. We were wondering if you guys had an opening for a performance." Arlo nervously greeted, scratching his silver hair awkwardly as he gestured to the wooden stage behind them. 

The middle aged man pursed his lips thoughtfully, his eyes flickering to the violin case in Arlo's hand and looking slightly amused.

"What? You gonna play somethin' good?" He asked, his voice mocking. "We sure don't need any more girls on stage." 

Arlo's brows furrowed and he resisted the urge to tell him off.

The man continued, his eyes on Adair now and eyeing her weirdly.

"Well, if you're up there, that'd be a good show." He let out a loud chuckle and clapped the shoulder of one of the other employees, causing Arlo's eyes to darken.

His face slowly twisted into one of complete rage, though he appeared very calm. Like the calm before the storm.

Adair saw his expression and felt her heart drop, her pace quickening as she stepped in front of him.

"Actually, if you let my boyfriend here play, he'll earn you a good amount of money. People will want to come back and you'll get the best reviews for tourists." She bargained, seeing the interested look on Mr. George Clooney-Knock-Off's face and smiling. 

"Really?" He said disbelievingly. Adair nodded eagerly and gave Arlo a patient smile.

"Fine. You get one show at 8 o'clock sharp. You better be as good as the lass says." The man walked away while waving his large burly hands, causing Adair to let out a delighted chuckle and throw her arms around Arlo.

He felt his cheeks redden as he hugged her back.

"Boyfriend, huh?" He queried. "Is that what I am?" 

Adair smacked his shoulder, her cheeks matching his as she looked away.

"Shut up." 

Arlo laughed, his smile never leaving his face as they walked to the back of the bar and to one of the corner booths that were almost hidden. 

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