Whole day

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Lisa woke up the usual time she does. She was about to get up but her arms still under Jennie's head. She looks at the older. She fixes her hair and tucks it in her ear. She caresses Jennie's cheeks with the back of her fingers then kisses her forehead and hugs her again. She decided not to run today and spend the whole day with Jennie. She won't let Jennie go to the cafeteria today. She'll let her spend the day with her also.

Moments later, Jennie woken up by someone pecking kisses on her lips. She slowly opens her eyes and automatically smiles when she saw Lisa smiles at her also.

"Good morning, pretty." Lisa mumbles and pecks another kiss on Jennie. The older smiles and hugs Lisa tight.

"Good morning." Jennie utters and smiles.

"Don't go at the cefeteria today. I didn't go for a run to stay with you." Lisa said while kissing Jennie's neck.

"We don't have schedule at the cafeteria today. But--Really? Cool. Then let's stay in bed." Lisa continued kissing her neck that makes Jennie moans a little while hugging the girl.

"Lis.. but I have something to do. I have to record some files. That's part of my probation."

"Do it later."

"But the box will arrive this morning." Jennie replied. Lisa stopped kissing her neck and looks at her.

"You can do it later, don't you?"

"I can but--Then shut up." Lisa said and kisses Jennie on her lips to shut her up.


The two came out their room because it's already lunch. They spent half of their day in their room. Jennie comes out first while tying her hair up. Lisa followed and hugs her from the back and kisses her nape. Jennie smiles with her eyes closed.

"You two! Go back in your room and make out there! Not in front of us!" Jisoo yelled at the two. Lisa looks at them and grins.

"We just did." she said then they both chuckles. The two just glared at them.

Rosé looks at Jisoo then grins. The older frowns while  looking at Rosé. The younger just winks at her.

"Uhh.. Jennie unnie, to ruin your day. Here." Rosé then lifts the boxes that are at the back of the couch.

"What the hell?!" Jennie grunts and removes Lisa's arms around her and walks to the boxes, her shoulder hits Lisa's chin.

"Aw!" Lisa caresses her chin while pouting.

"Lis! I told you I need to do it earlier this morning! Look! They gave me four boxes! Fuck! I really hate those people! ... " Jennie continued to rant.

Lisa glared at Jisoo and Rosé, who are laughing that they successfully ruined Jennie and Lisa's day.

"Damn you two.." Lisa mutter at the two while joining them in the kitchen and they all are staring at Jennie while the older rants her voice out.

Rosé suddenly stopped laughing and remember the flashdrive. Her laugh suddenly changes into a glare to both Lisa and Jennie. And shakes her head.

'Guessed you haven't watched the video yet. Well.. It's not my problem. It's yours, Lisa. Wait until you see what's inside that drive. We'll see if you can still trust her. She knows, Lisa.' Rosé thought.


Jennie did her probation task. She's still on the first box. Those are the individual tasks that the agents are browsing to choose which task to do. What she needs to do is to write the records on the sheet of papers that's on the box. The records she's written will be brought to the File Storage room for the agents who choose to search manually for individual tasks.

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