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"Lis, why don't you accompany Rosé inside the office please. I'll handle this." Jennie said.

"No, unnie. I'm okay." Rosé wipes her tears.

"Are you sure?" Jennie looked at her as she caressed her back. Rosé nodded.

"Okay. Trainees! Agents! Attention!" Jennie commanded. All of them immediately stood up and lines up.

Jennie turns to the girls.

"Let's go up to the deck." Jennie walks and the girls follows her.

Jennie faces the trainees and agents.

"At ease! This is a good start, all of you!" Jennie yelled out. But then glanced to the side and grabs the mic.

"I'm tired of yelling. Ah. Ah." Jennie utters as she tests the mic.

"Okay. We're all here, these officers and the Head Chief,--Don't call me Head Chief." Lisa whispered to her while shaking her head.

"Chief would work." Lisa nodded. Jennie just frowns.

"Whatever. Anyway. We're all here to hear your point of views of everything. We are here in this organization to work as one. And as you all just witnessed, we, ourselves as your superiors, have conflicts amongst us."

Seulgi slowly walks beside Lisa and whispers.

"We're all witnessing the head's daughter. But she's better." Seulgi utters and Lisa looks at her and see Seulgi nodded while smiling.

"Now. Tell us all about how you feel before and right now during your stay here in this organization. Let's start with you, Hwang Yeji."

"M-Ma'am.. we're just worried for all of you also. You all guided us and gave us another opportunity to prove and make ourselves better." Yeji starts.

Jennie is nodding.

"But seeing you all like this, we're starting to doubt ourselves again." Yeji looks down.


Jisoo walks back and forth in the cell because Sowon turns the speakers on and they all can hear the trainees and agents' opinions.


Jennie turns to the girls beside and behind her.

One trainee raises her hand. Jennie points at her.

"Ma'am.. we even heard gunshots from the conference room. We saw Chief 211 got injured."

"These trainees are observant." Jennie mumbles to the girls.

"We're just worried about all of you, chiefs. We know we're not supposed to mingle with your businesses but we're starting to doubt ourselves again." One trainee said.

"We are all happy to be here, chiefs. We are happy to be part of this organization. But witnessing what just happened earlier, we're asking if our lives would be in danger also? Or are we gonna be like you in the future, who's fighting each other when we're supposed to work as one?"

"Oh ghad these kids.." Wendy mumbles.

"We idolize you all, chiefs. You even serves as our inspirations and motivations. We are given this chance to say what's on our minds and we're not gonna ruin it."

"You even serves us really good foods in the cafeteria!" One trainee yelled out with a shaky voice. Rosé immediately turns her head to the trainee.

"You! What is your name?" Rosé yelled out while pointing to the trainee.

"Trainee 0531 Jung Eunbi, c-chief!"

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