Chapter 25

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Yeosang debated on wether or not to go through the window of he and Wooyoung's room to avoid all interaction, but he decided it would just be easier to go through the front door and straight to his room.

His hand lingered in the doorknob for a few seconds before he sighed and opened the door.

The main room held Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa, and Yeosang felt relief that it was just those three, though he would have preferred no one be there.

"Yeo-" he heard Seonghwa begin to speak, but before he could even form a full word, Yeosang was out of the room and opening the door to his room.

Without a glance back to the main room, he shut the door and climbed in bed, not bothering to change.

After a few minutes of him trying to fall asleep, he heard the door open and close again, then heard his roommate's voice.

"Sangie? I know you aren't up for talking right now, but we did talk it through after you left, Mingi just needs some time to cool down, everyone else is ok now," Wooyoung told him.

When Yeosang remained silent, Wooyoung sighed, knowing he wasn't asleep.

"This was definitely a big setback for you... I'm sorry that it happened just because Mingi was pissed off a girl rejected him. But Yeosang, I really think you need to start letting people in, or at least someone. Tell someone about your past who wasn't there, rely on someone that isn't me," Wooyoung advised. When he got no response, he sighed again and gave up, leaving Yeosang with a lot to think about.

The next morning, Jessie walked out of her apartment building and walked towards the school. She had thought all night about what had happened with Yeosang, and was thinking about it on her way to school still. She was snapped out of her thoughts, however, when she saw Minghao running towards her.

"What do you want?" Jessie sighed at the sight of him.

"I'm so sorry for everything Jess, I was in a bad mood and just got mad when I saw you with Mingi. We have a bad history together and when I thought he was taking the one thing away from me that I really loved, I couldn't stand the thought of it," Minghao rambled out. Jessie froze.

"One thing you... loved?" Jessie questioned, looking Minghao in the eyes for the first time in a while.

"Yes Jessie," Minghao took a deep breath before saying, "I love you and I don't want to let you go, please don't make me."

Without warning, he pressed his lips against Jessie's, trying to express everything he didn't know how to say. It was a failed attempt, however, as Jessie pushed him away.

"Minghao... I can't, I-I'm sorry," she stuttered before she began running towards the school. Minghao watched with sad eyes as she ran by Yeosang, who saw the tears in her eyes threatening to spill over and grabbed her shoulders as she went to run by him.

Minghao clenched his fists in anger when he saw Jessie relax in his touch.

"I'm done playing nice," he breathed out angrily.

He took his phone out, dialing Seungcheol's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Minghao?" Seungcheol questioned.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care anymore," was all he said before hanging up.

With one last look back at the school, and Yeosang with Jessie, Minghao turned and walked away from the school, making a resolve to break Ateez, by any means possible.

"Jessie, what happened?" Yeosang questioned as he held her shoulders tightly. She glanced behind him and saw Mingi watching the two, his gaze cold.

"I-it's nothing, I-I'm fine," she stuttered before attempting to walk away. Yeosang didn't let her go, at least not alone. He followed right behind her, pulling her into a janitors closet as soon as they got to the school.

"What's going on?" Yeosang questioned again. Jessie shook her head, not wanting to say.

Yeosang let his head fall for a second before lifting it again, "I talked to you last night about something I wasn't planning on sharing, your turn."

"It's just Minghao. He came up to me, said he loved me and kissed me. I shoved him away, and I think it was the wrong move," Jessie explained.

"Why was it wrong?" Yeosang questioned.

"I think it made him mad and I know something about him which is good reason not to make him mad." They both knew she was talking about him being in a gang, but of course Jessie didn't know Yeosang knew that.

They fell into silence for a few seconds before Yeosang gathered courage and said, "I won't let anything happen to you."

Jessie looked up at him, doubt filling her eyes, but she simply nodded in response.

The day went on without fault, and by the end of it, Jessie had almost forgotten about her fear of Minghao.

Yeosang, on the other hand, hadn't stopped thinking about what Jessie had said. As soon as the bell rang, he met up with Ateez, avoiding Mingi's gaze as he pulled Hongjoong to the side. Hongjoong was probably who Yeosang was most comfortable with after Wooyoung, but that didn't mean he fully trusted him.

"Jessie knows about Minghao being in a gang, she might know all of Seventeen actually, and now they might be after her, and in a lot worse way than they were before," Yeosang informed Hongjoong.

"What do you mean?" He questioned the last statement.

"Minghao missed her and told her he loves her, but she rejected him. I don't think anything good is going to come from it," Yeosang further explained.

"I've gotta contact Shownu, this could end badly," Hongjoong muttered before hurrying off.

As soon as he left, Mingi took his place in front of Yeosang.

"I don't want to hear it Mingi," Yeosang sighed, beginning to walk off before Mingi started talking.

"The others want me to apologize, but all I want to say to you is I believe every word I spoke," Mingi spat out.

Yeosang looked at him, slight hurt in his eyes as he turned and walked away from the rest of Ateez, not saying a word.

He spotted Jessie walking away and thought of what Wooyoung had said the night before. He needed to let someone in, and the rest of his group had made it pretty certain that they wouldn't be filling that spot.

With a deep sigh, Yeosang jogged after Jessie, calling out, "Hey Jessie! Wait up."

This chapter sucks I know I'm sorry. I'm trying to get back into it after being gone. I'm also sorry for disappearing without updating for so long, I had finals and other big tests and I didn't have any free time almost ever. School is out now though so I'll be able to update more regularly now.

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