Q&A Answers

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Well it's been a hot minute... I'm really sorry about that, and I'm going to try my best to keep updating and finish this story quickly. I'm kind of stuck in a writer's block currently but I'm going to push forward because I've been in this block so long I don't think I'll get out of it if I don't just push forward, so expect updates soon! Maybe not this upcoming month (October) as I'm extremely busy and have some really major tests coming up, but we'll see what happens. But if not this upcoming month, updates will start more frequently the month after

If I get more questions I'll definitely add them here or make a part two!

Author (me):

Q: How are you?
A: I'm pretty good, just got a lot going on with school and struggling with writer's block on this story >_<


Q: Is your past going to be exposed to us soon and is it similar to Yeosang's past?
A: Much more will become clear in the future, that's all I'll say! And I don't know if my past is similar to Yeosang's, he's too mysterious, he doesn't share anything with me :( I guess that's fair though since I don't really share with him either...


Q: Do you think you'll ever become friends with Ateez?
A: I think that's up to them, they haven't given me a reason to trust them, and they don't trust me either, so I don't know if I see it happening... (I really wish we could though, I want more people I can trust and rely on, but if anyone asks I didn't say that)


Q: Does Mingi stay an ass this entire fic because I want a little genuine nice Mingi?
A: Hey! Who said I was an ass? I'm super nice and respectful to everyone, I think they meant that I have a nice ass ;)

Q: Do you actually believe what you said about Yeosang or was it just jealousy?
A: All of the above. I believe a lot of it, but I was never planning on telling him, but jealousy pushed me too... don't tell him that though.


Q: I love you!
A: I love you too!


Q: Do you honestly trust Yeosang or were you just saying that?
A: I trust him to a certain extent, but not fully. It's hard to trust him fully when he hasn't given us a reason too, but I do trust he's stay loyal to us, as long as the other idiots shut up and stop pushing him away.


Q: I want more Sannie moments please?
A: (From author) There probably won't be a ton of San moments throughout this but I'll try and incorporate more! If you want a book of San moments I do have a San fic! (self promotion without originally meaning to whoops)


Q: What do you think of all this drama? Also can you teach me how to split apples?
A: I think they need to get over themselves... Of course I will :)

Monsta X:

Q: Are any of the members dating?
A: (From author) I really haven't thought about it... who knows what I'll do now that you gave me the idea ;)


Q: Do you think Treasure13 will debut soon?
A: (From author) I really, really hope so, but my honest thought is no not with the current state of YG Ent, my heart still skips a beat every time I see a notification from them (about their birthdays)

Q: Who is your Treasure13 bias?
A: (from author) I have three... Hyunsuk, Mashiho, and Doyoung

Q: To Keita: do you like Yedam? If so, why not just ask him out?
A: I like him a lot... but I'm too shy to ask I'm scared he doesn't feel the same and will reject me :(

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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