Chapter 26

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Jessie turned and looked as Yeosang ran over and smiled slightly at him.

"What's up?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Do you have anything to do right now?" Yeosang questioned.

"No not really," Jessie shrugged.

"Do you maybe want to hang out?" Yeosang questioned, a hopeful look in his eyes that made Jessie unable to resist.

"Sure, where?" Yeosang hadn't thought that far, he didn't think she'd even accept.

"Ummm..." he trailed off and chewed on his lip as he thought. "Want to go for a walk around the park?" He wasn't too happy with his choice, but it seemed like a good safe option.

"Sounds good," Jessie smiled, liking the idea. "Let's go."

They walked in silence for a while, even once they arrived at the park. Jessie finally decided to break the silence after it became too much.

"Was there a reason you wanted to hang out?" She looked at Yeosang curiously.

"I just... thought maybe we could get to know each other off the stoop only," Yeosang confessed. "I want to know you better."

Jessie blushed and looked away, not liking the butterflies that exploded in her stomach.

"O-Oh," was all Jessie managed.

After the small talk, they began to actually talk more in depth, but it was mostly about Jessie, as Yeosang was quite to the point he could open up about his past.

They sat on a bench and talked for around an hour before they had to go their separate ways.

"We should do this again sometime," Jessie smiled as she spoke. She had enjoyed herself more than she expected to around Yeosang.

"We should," Yeosang offered her a small smile. Jessie smiles wider seeing his, she knew he wasn't the type to laugh or smile much, and seeing it made the butterflies come back. She shook them away as a blush appeared on her cheeks. She surprised both when she quickly hugged Yeosang, trying to hide her blush. She hurried her head in his chest and he hesitantly hugged back. Both had small smiles present on their faces, hating to admit they loved the hug.

Jessie pulled away first when she was sure the blush was gone, which took a while, since when she first hugged him she had blushed even worse.

They awkwardly smiled before Jessie choked out, "Ok bye," before practically running in the direction of her apartment building.

Yeosang shook his head at her with a small smile playing across his lips. He walked back in the direction of the dorm, thinking over what had just happened with Jessie, he was confused on why he wasn't repulsed by her hug and actually... liked it.

Jessie went through the next school day avoiding eye contact with Yeosang, scared about what had previously happened. He didn't make much of an effort to talk to her either though.

As Jessie walked out of the school, she was suddenly yanked to the side around the corner of the school, a hand pressed over her mouth.

Looking at who it was showed Yeosang, a look of panic painted on his face. Jessie looked at him in confusion and went to say something, even if it would be muffled by his hand.

He gave her a sharp look and shook his head slightly, signaling her not to talk. They stayed in that position for about 5 minutes, before Yeosang finally pulled his hand away and let her walk away from the wall.

"What the hell was that?" Jessie exclaimed.

He motioned her over to the corner of the building and pointed toward someone who was walking away.

Jessie didn't know who it was until he turned slightly as he followed the path of the sidewalk.

"Why is Mingyu here?" Jessie questioned Yeosang.

"So you do know him. Do you know the rest of Minghao's group?" Yeosang didn't answer her question.

Jessie nodded hesitantly.

"Do you know what they do?" He was referring to their gang activities, but Jessie wasn't sure if that's what he meant.

"Maybe," was the only reply Jessie offered.

"Please answer honestly," Yeosang looked at her with genuine worry in his eyes. "Do you know Minghao is in a gang?"

Jessie stayed quiet, but she knew the silence gave Yeosang the answer he needed.

"Mingyu was sent here to basically kidnap you," Yeosang finally answered the original question.

"What? Why?" Jessie was extremely confused at this point.

"To make a statement."

Jessie was only growing more confused.

"What do you mean?"

Yeosang's look scared her as he replied, "Please come with me to the dorm, we've got a lot of explaining to do."

'Who's we?' Jessie wondered, knowing Yeosang to be a part of Ateez but only actually be friends with Wooyoung, she wasn't sure who he meant.

"Why? Why should I come?" Jessie was suspicious and not ready to trust that easily.

"You're in danger if you don't, you could die," Yeosang didn't bother to sugarcoat it.

Jessie searched his face for any sign of him joking or lying. She couldn't find one, and it scared her.

She tried to reply with a simple 'ok,' but she couldn't manage to get it out. All she could do was nod.

That was all Yeosang needed to motion her to follow him and lead the way to the dorms. The rest of Ateez was expecting her, so when she walked through the door, she was surprised to see them all looking at her.

She looked at all of them, excluding Mingi for obvious reasons, before finally Hongjoong spoke up.

"Thank you for agreeing to come," he offered her a kind smile, but it didn't do anything to ease her fear.

"Please explain what's going on. Why is my ex boyfriend's housemate trying to kidnap or kill me?" Jessie couldn't hold the question.

Hongjoong let out a sigh before signaling her to sit at the open chair. She slowly did, sitting stiffly on the very edge.

"Let's start by telling you an important fact. Ateez is a gang."

I suddenly was inspired to update I'm proud of myself for managing to get a whole chapter written I haven't been able to do that for a while. Hope you like it! And please look at the Q&A it's majorly flopping aside from one lovely reader and I'd really like to do it and not have to cancel it.

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