Chapter 5 Inauguration party continues (from Yue Yue's POV)

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After checking all the stalls I was staring at myself in a mirror and talking out loud.

'What am I doing flirting with the male lead?'

I sighed noisely and continued the monologue in my mind.

I don't even find him that attractive! Ok, that's a lie. Was I really flirting? It was just a wink. Apparently the wink that flipped my guts. As I saw his suprised face I had to run to the toilet to catch my breath. I'm behaving like a crazy person each time I'm around him. This needs to stop. From now on I'll try to focus my energy on... being a professional actress. Yeah that's a great idea. How couldn't I come up with that earlier? It's kind of logical to be professional in the work environment. Starting some romance is the most imbecile thing to do. So Shen Yue, next time you have an intention to wink at someone just hit your stupid face with a pan.

Considering my heart though, it was still quite broken. Hu Yitian smashed it into pieces. Despite the fact that it was me who had left him, I was blaming him entirely for destroying what we had had... We must have had something in the beginning, when we had fallen for each other, but I wasn't really sure anymore. Wang He Di grabbing my wrists had recalled a waterfall of bad memories.

Hu Yitian had been not only unfaithful, but also mean, agressive, verging on violent, almost never sorry about being mean, agressive or violent. If ever he was, it had been solely because he'd got caught being unfaithful. Fortunately, he had never hit me, but he had left some bruises on my body, by gripping me hard, pushing me or by pinning me against the wall in rage. Yeah, I had probably suffered from a Stockholm syndrome during that relationship. I had stayed with him for so long even though he had been getting angrier and angrier with me.

Besides he was always jealous, which was funny considering I had never given him a reason to be. I just liked people in general, liked to be around them. He was always misinterpreting my extensive enthusiasm and basic joy of meeting a friend as flirting.

This guy had pressured me so much to have sex with him, that for this alone, I'd just had to leave him.

He really hadn't taken the breakup all that well. It's been 3 months and 5 blocked phone numbers already and I was still getting some disturbing messages from him, calling me all sorts of names. Whore being his recent favourite. I searched for my phone to read the last text. How nice, this time he had kept it simple.

'No one will ever want you.'

I was reliving the whole thing, standing by the sink. God, what was I thinking getting myself into that with a male lead? Now I'm facing the consequences of not being professional. Seriously never again.

He hadn't even liked me in the beginning or at least that's what I had thought. He'd seemed so uninterested in me, so distant. I had tried so hard to befriend him, but he had showed me nothing but animosity. I remembered crying myself to sleep beacause I had been so affected by his indifference. Slowly he had warmed up to me, become my friend. At that point, I had fallen for him hard, unaware of his longtime crush on me. It had turned out later that all of his hostility had been there to hide his real feelings for me. After we both had finally confessed, a short period of joy of being together followed, but from there, it had only been a downhill road to hell.

Not that I was looking for a rebound or anything, but it would be nice to have someone new to get casually friendly with after that nightmare of a relationship I had had with him.

So in the rebound department I had already spent an hour chatting with Kuan Hong, and found out that although rarely spoke, he was eloquent, charming, great listener and one of the prettiest faces in here. He was just a perfect boyfriend material, a sweet guy. And I hadn't even acted insane around him.

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