Chapter 13 The painkiller (from Yue Yue's POV)

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It was so nice with Didi during the shooting. He was being such a boy, but it was fun to have him around. I behaved like his sibling, most of the time. We felt extraordinarily comfortable with each other, it was the easiest job to shoot all the scenes. I wished I could always have such a good chemistry when filming. He was constantly throwing all sorts of remarks about my beauty, acting talent and sense of humor. It was such a pleasant change from what I had had to endure while shooting A love so beautiful at the beginning. A prominant silence or sporadic small exchanges. Contrary to that, Didi talked a lot, like a lot a lot. I was a talkative person myself, so we were forgetting about the entire world around us, as we dived into our conversations. I even forgot about reapearing Sun Qian, until the lunch break.

As we got there, she immediately sat beside Wang He Di pushing him towards the wall, not leaving any space for anyone else to sit beside him. She totally cornered him and I could see that he was being tortured by this. That's why I didn't instantly get extremely jealous, only a little and I was a bit sorry for both of them. He probably would have appreciated it more, if she wasn't so overbearing and pushy about it. I had already seen them talking yesterday and they really seemed into each other. She was now taking the completely wrong path with him. I couldn't help to feel a little joy, the joy of being the girl, he didn't want to push away in this short temporary moment. I decided to sit in front of them to enjoyed this situation even more.

God, he seemed so uncomfortable and was behaving so awkwardly. This is definitely my lucky day. I thought.

Hong sat beside me and I sensed he was somehow tense.

'Hey, how was your first morning of shooting?' He started innocently.

'Really awesome, the crew and AhSi were so nice, we had so much fun together.' I said it loud enough for Wang He Di to hear. He raised his eyes on me, but shortly was caught in another exchange with Sun Qian.

'How was your morning? I think we have some scene together in the afternoon, right?' I politely continued the small talk with Hong, trying not to focus on the love birds in front of me.

'Yes, we have some. My morning was... how to describe it, eye-opening?' He answered mysteriously.

'How?' I wanted to know, but before he could answer Didi's conversation with Sun Qian got our attention.

'Didi, are you organizing any party soon? I had SO MUCH FUN with you yesterday, I want a replay.' She was speaking very loudly.

'Sure, ask Xize Wu. He's the party planner here.' Wang He Di answered quietly and shifted uneasily on the bench.

'How about today?' Sun Qian kept the pushy act going.

'No, I don't think so, I'm a little exhausted.' Somehow he managed to be really nice, while declining.

'Do you want to sleep in my room tonight to get some peace?' She suddenly offered.

'No, thank you. My room is quite peaceful, actually and, as I said, I don't think we're having any party today.' He should be a politician, the way he was saying 'no' was priceless.

'That's not what I meant, nevermind.' She acted a little offended. And I knew what she meant. That I'm the one, who disturbed Didi's peace.

He sighed.

'Oh, you have some sauce here.' She touched his lips gently, taking care of the sauce. And then she literally licked the sauce from her finger, leaving me in shock.

He looked at me tormented. I smiled at him, understanding.

'Back to our conversation. How?' I turned back to Hong.

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