< F I V E >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Second Skin" By The Gits

< F I V E >

Have you ever seen a fight scene in a movie? It seems so epic with all the music and sound effects and beautiful people who look perfectly beat up. In reality though it’s just a bunch of grunting, blood and pain. There is nothing glamorous about a physical fight like they show in the movies.

Of all people, I should know.

But I have to admit watching my wolf circle around the black wolf while snarling is different than any human fight I’ve seen before. It seems to have ritual and a savage grace that I can’t stop watching. So me being a great lover of watching aggression of any kind I watch the mini battle unraveling before me as I lean against a near by tree.

As a constant observer of fights, my cousin Jake having been known in our hometown as a bit of a brawler, I size up my wolf’s opponent best I can. The black wolf is bigger in size and muscle mass but my wolf seemed faster, leaner and more tactical in its movements. It’s immediately clear to me that this is not either wolfs first time doing this.

The black one strikes first, obviously relying on its brawn and pushes my wolf on his back. My wolf springs to his feet quickly though and lays a painful looking bite to the dark ones tail making him yelp. The black one snarls before using his weight again to push down my salt and pepper wolf again which is made easy due to the fact he’s a bit underweight.

This is when it hits me.

They don’t really want to hurt each other. The bites aren’t on anywhere vital and the pushing is meant to warn not to pin. Its all a little unsettling to see in supposedly a dumb animal to be acting so…strategic. That rational thought flies out of my mind though when the black wolf bites into my wolf’s neck making him whine loudly. A protective instinct rises in my chest and I decide I’m done watching this shit show.

Looking around I spot a two foot long stick that’s also about four inches thick if I have to guess. Picking it up I test the weight in my hands before turning to see the two of them circling each other again but this time with blood coated on my wolf’s fur around his neck. I wait until the black wolf’s back is to me before I swing the stick and hit it on the back hind leg.

It whimpers and falls to the ground with a thump before turning on me with a nasty looking snarl. I swing the stick again but it swerves out of the way quickly before tackling me to the ground. Using the stick I keep it at bay from biting into my flesh but my arms are shaking from the strength I’m using to keep it from crushing me. Suddenly its snarls cut off and its yellow eyes go wide before it begins being pulled off me.

Trying to stay on me for some reason it claws at the ground only to catch on my left upper arm breaking the skin with its razor sharp talons. I cry out but not before rearing my foot up to kick that stupid mutt right in the belly. It lets out another yelp before I rear my foot back again to kick it in the face this time, making it growl this time in what I assume to be annoyance.

I hear some more snarling before it suddenly cut off and I snap my eyes towards the direction of the wolves only to see the black one shaking terribly. Confused and a little freaked out I feel my eyes triple in size as I watch the wolf’s body contort into odd shapes. Then its not a wolf standing there anymore, it’s a guy.

A naked guy I might add.

A naked guy with black short hair and gold eyes if I have to be more exact.

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