< F O U R T E E N >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Stripped" By Shiny Toy Guns

< F O U R T E E N >

The long ride back to the cabin is silent.

I can feel Jack sneaking glances at me but I don’t return them. I instead keep my eyes trained outside my window, ignoring the pain my body or the blood dripping down from my nose. Jack doesn’t say anything either so I assume he’s as much at a loss of words as I am.

Besides, when you witness something like this what can you say?

So when we do pull up outside of his house nothing is really said but looming possibility that one of us could speak is very much there. The tension is insane right now and I’m afraid that if I even sneeze right now he’s going to snap. Now I know, rationally that Jack would never physically harm me, I know this but I can’t stop the instinct I have to expect it. So I stay quiet and the silence only gets heavier as neither of us moves to exit the vehicle.

Jack finally let out a sharp exhale, bordering on a growl before I wince at the sound of his door slam behind him. I assume he’s gone inside so I reach for the door handle but it’s ripped from my hold and I’m stuck looking dumbly at Jack’s scowling face. I immediately avert my eyes but that only seems to piss him off more.

Surprisingly he slips his arms under me gingerly before pulling me from the truck so he can set me on my feet. I’m happy he doesn’t carry me because to be honest I hate it. I don’t want to be treated liker I’m fragile because I’m not. I want to be left to collect myself both physically and mentally without anyone touching me before I discuss anything that I’m sure Jack will want to talk about.

I just need a minute to breathe.

My right leg wobbles a bit as I put some weight on it so to save myself any major damage I start limping. I bite my lip as pain radiates through my body but I refuse to cry or make a single noise. I can’t show any weakness, especially when I’m at my weakest place. It’s just not who I am.

“Jesus Christ.” Jack growls before I’m swept up off my feet. I let him do this without complaint knowing that he needs to touch me, so I let it go. I’m sure I’ll have my time alone soon anyhow.

When we enter the house he sets me slowly on my feet. Hesitantly I turn to look at Jack and am surprised to see him looking at his feet. His jaw is clenched, his hands are in fists and his body is nearly vibrating with tension. I dip my head a bit to catch his eye but he simply turns on a heel and walks towards the front door.

“I’ll be back in an a half an hour.” He informs me gruffly over his shoulder. “I expect an explanation when I get back.”

And with that he’s gone.

Limping to the window I watch as Jack bursts from his human skin into the form of his wolf. I am in awe of how healthy and majestic it looks now. Before it looked like a mean alleyway dog, more skin than muscle but now it looks like something you’d see on a National Geographic cover. His fur is a beautiful salt and pepper color so it’s easy to spot him as he runs into the woods surrounding us.

When he’s out of sight I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’ve been holding. Slumping my shoulder I drop the plastic bag I’ve been holding to me like a life jacket onto the closest table. Stripping off my jacket and shoes I run a hand through my hair before wincing at the pain in my ribs.

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