Interlude-how Did he speak?

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Felix and Satku walking to the cave to the quest they were sent to. Felix was carrying a small brown leather backpack while Satku brought his own pouch

"Satku how's your tongue?"
" m-my tongue?"
"Mhm it was cut off remember. I was wondering if it's all better"
"Yes it is better now"
"I see" Felix said as he put on a smile on his face

Later that night when they first met in the inn where Satku was staying

"Now kid pull out your tongue and say ahhh" Felix said holding a needle and thread in his hand

"Ahhh" Satku shaking from the thought of the needle. Felix place his hand on Satku shoulder

"Don't be scared. It will hurt for only a little while. If you do it like a big boy I'll give you a treat" Felix said with a reassuring smile

After a few hours passed. Felix cleaning Satku with a napkin dab on blood

"Now drink this" Felix give Satku a green gooey substance in a slender glass bottle.

Satku opened the bottle the aroma emitting from the bottle it smell of moss and mint filled the room with a pleasant aroma. Satku was hesitant as expected. A stranger you met on the street suddenly pays a inn room and gives you money is suspicious but non the less he drank the potion. Suddenly the stitches from his tongue slowly disappear

"Glad it worked" Felix grin
"Huh!?" Satku touching his tongue in amazement
"T-t-thank y-y-you" Satku struggling to move his new tongue and feeling a sharp pain everytime he speaks
"Its fine don't worry about. Just go rest" Satku nods and goes to bed. Felix tucking him up

That how Satku was able to speak normally again

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