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I woke up, feeling like death. The day probably wouldn't get any better. I stayed in bed. Maybe I can take a sick day. I thought as I sighed. Minato would be here soon.

I heard knocking on the front door. I was too weak to even get up. Eventually, the knocking stopped, followed by the sound of the door opening. "Kushina!? Are you ok!? Where are you!?" Minato's panicked voice shouted. "I'm up here." I said, followed by a cough. Minato rushes to my room to check on me. "What are you doing in bed still?" He asked calmly. "I'm just a little sick, I'll be alright." I said. I sat up and tried to stand. I immediately collapsed and Minato caught me right before my body hit the ground.

"You're obviously not alright." He said. "Minato, I'm telling you, I just need to eat breakfast and get some water in my system." I said. He put his hand on my forehead. He shook his head. "Kushina, you're burning up! I cannot let you go to the academy like this." He said. "Minato, I wanna go!" I said. "Too bad. You'll be staying home under my watch. I have to run to the academy really quick but I'll be back." Minato said as he left.

He arrived back in my room soon after he left with his textbooks and some tea. He set his books down and the tray with tea down too and went back downstairs. He came up with medication. "No, no, no, no, no!" I said, waving my hands in front of me. "Kushina, this is to help you get better. You need to get better soon!" Minato said. "I don't like it though!" I said. "I'm sorry. I'm going to have to force you to take it." He said, pouring a purple liquid into a small cup. "NUUUUUUUUU!!" I shouted, backing into the corner between my bed and wall. He stood up and got onto my bed.

Soon enough, he had actually forced the medicine into my mouth. "I'm sorry, Kushina. I had to do that to you though." He said, wrapping me into a hug. He sat on my bed still and I sat next to him as he hugged me. "Minato....I feel like absolute trashhhh......" I complained. "I know. It'll be ok." He said, his fingers running through my long hair.

A few hours passed and I still didn't feel any better. If anything, I felt worse. "Kushina, lets go on a walk." Minato said. "I can't walk though." I pouted. "Good point. Let's stay here then." Minato said.

We cuddled until Minato had to get up and answer my front door. I heard many footsteps walk up to my room. Minato opened the door and there they were. Minato, Shikaku, Inoichi, and Fugaku. The whole bunch of em. "What are you guys doing here!?" I asked. "We wanna make sure you're ok." Shikaku said. "Minato, what did you do?" I asked. "I just told them that you were sick, I swear." He said. I sighed and relaxed in my bed. "Well, I'm fine so you can leave if you want." I said. "Ok. Fine. Minato, let us know if anything changes." Inoichi said as they left.

"Minato?" I asked. "What's up?" He replied, looking up from his textbook. "I'm feeling worse." I admitted. "Ok, we're taking you to the hospital. I don't want you to keep getting worse." Minato said, shutting his book. "Ok." I sighed. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the hospital.

We got into a room and got vitals taken. "Have you been training lately?" The nurse asked. "Yes, day before yesterday." I said. "You might be dehydrated." She said. Minato shot a glare at me. "I'll check the rest of the symptoms. The doctor will be in soon after." She said as she walked out. "I thought you said you drank plenty of water!" Minato said. "I did!! I swear!" I said. "Then why would you be dehydrated!?" He asked. "I didn't have anything to drink yesterday or today." I said. Minato sighed. I looked down in shame after being scolded by Minato so roughly. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you." He said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "It's ok." I said.

We heard a knock on the door, right after it opened and a doctor was there. He walked in. "Hello." He said as he did some final checks to the vitals and symptoms. "Hi." I said. "So, Kushina, you definitely look a bit dehydrated so we're going to hook you up with an IV. First, I need to run a test so we can see what is the main problem. I'll need to do a blood test and then I'll hook you up with the IV." He said. "Alright." I said. "Now, are" He asked Minato. "No, I'm her boyfriend. I'm Minato." He said. "Alright." The doctor said, leaving to grab the IV and blood test stuff. "Minato. I don't wanna do it." I said. "I know, it's ok." He said, squeezing my hand again.

I got my tests done and my IV in even though I was scared to death. "We'll have the test results in about 10 minutes." He said. I nodded as he left to help find results.

About 15 minutes later, he walked back in. "Alright, it looks like you just have a stomach bug. We have some medicine we can send you home with. I would stay at home tomorrow and then you should be good." He said as he handed me release papers. "Thank you." I said.

Minato made sure I took the medicine and was set before leaving so we could both get some sleep.

Hey everyone! Pleaseeeeee read this cuz this is kind of important!
So, I'm running out of ideas before some main stuff I already have happens so I need some ideas!! If you aren't following me, please do so we can talk if you have ideas and even if you don't, I ALWAYS follow back!! If anyone wants a shout-out or has ideas, message me and I'll take the idea into consideration or I'll shout you out!! Thank you all!! See ya!

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