19. Saturday/ My parents are suspicious-day

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I've been maintaining a greater distance from everyone since last Sunday, in case I've contracted Virulence. I've never been so grateful for our non-contact rule and for the precautions in place.

My parents don't understand why I'm avoiding them. Every time I recoil from them they look hurt, but the images of the dead bodies in the school gymnasium reminds me I must not let them touch me. I can't put them in danger. I refuse to be the reason they die.

My parents are abnormally quiet as we sit at our table in the Dining Hall. I'm glad of the silence. It means I don't have to evade their questions and give misleading answers to avoid mentioning Zach.

I stare at my bowl of vegetable soup, thick and lumpy it clings to my spoon. It tastes the same as every other meal we eat. Only the consistency differs occasionally, and even then each meal falls under three headings: watery, gloopy and thick and lump.

What are meals like in the Techie settlement? Have they created a way to alter the taste of the vegetables we provide them? Or do they also have to put up with an endless supply of identically tasting meals?

I imagine Zach at meals times in the Techie settlement, but the only background I can conjure up is this Dining Hall and Zach looks so foreign in it. His clothes, his hairstyle, none of Zach belongs here and my stomach starts to knot.

Shuffling in my seat, every part of my body groans in protest. A week of Zach teaching me to cycle has meant my limbs are beyond tired. Stiff and creaky, my skin is a map of bruises and scratches but it's worth the pain. I can finally ride in a relatively steady and straight line with only the occasional fall when I'm not focussing.

Since Jenna's warning, the dynamics between me and Zach have changed. My thoughts alternate between wanting to spend time with Zach and knowing I must end whatever we're doing. Admittedly, I was getting too comfortable around him. Now I'm more guarded and aware of my movements. Zach, however, is acting as he always does, arrogant and crude.

Dab clears his throat, snapping me back to the present. Looking up expectantly, my smile quickly vanishes when I see two pairs of serious eyes staring back.

'Kit, we need you to be honest with us,' Dab says slowly, and my stomach lurches at the sound of his tone. 'Have you been visiting the woods alone?'

'No,' I say, meeting his gaze. 'I promised.'

'We were under the impression you had been going with Axel, but he approached us today asking if you would be at The Rec tomorrow because you haven't been going recently. Axel said you've been spending a lot of time in the woods recently, and he was worried about your safety,' Dab says.

Of course, he is. This doesn't have anything to do with him being bitter about being rejected when he tried to force his lips on me. I glance in the direction of where Axel sits. He smirks. It looks stupid on him. He can't pull off a smirk like Zach can. I scowl at the boy who was my best friend but is now a stranger.

'Axel's really worried about you. He said you've been distancing yourself from your friends. And looking back, we have to admit we've noticed a change in you too,' Daa interjects, resting his hand on mine but I quickly withdraw.

I've distanced myself from you because I crossed the wall with a Techie called Zach, and we may have contracted Virulence from a gymnasium full of decaying bodies.

I swallow the ball of guilt and worry. Avoiding their gazes, I focus past their shoulders; Mattan and Mara sit at their own table as a new family, one I am forever excluded from. Their sides touch, his hand is enclosed around hers, and he whispers into her ear which makes her smile. The jealously hits me like a punch to the gut. Except, I'm not jealous of Mara, I'm jealous of what they have and are allowed to have.

'Kit, you need to explain yourself,' Dab says firmly.

I drag my eyes back to my parents. 'I haven't been going with Axel, but I promise you I haven't been in the woods alone.'

'Who then?'

'Have I ever done anything to make you doubt my promises?' I say but it comes out louder and harsher than I intended.

Heads on neighbouring tables swivel around, eyebrows raised in curiosity. Everyone loves a bit of gossip, especially in a place where anything rarely happens.

'No, you haven't, but you are forbidden from returning to the woods until you're willing to tell us who's been accompanying you,' Dab hushes as he motions at Daa to halt this conversation. He doesn't want to make a scene but I know this is far from over.

All the half-truths and lies are catching up on me. Now, I must figure out how I'm going to explain myself and not lose what I have left.

Author notes:
Next chapters are some of my favourites... Hopefully, you like them to xx

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