48. If this is a dream I never want to wake up

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Zach steps closer. He doesn't touch me, his hands hover in front of me and a rush of warmth fills me to the point of overflowing.

Zach always waited for me to make first contact.

My shaking fingers lift slowly and trail down his face, caressing his stomach fluttering inducing skin. My insides clench, a lump forms in my throat preventing me from speaking.

He's real.

Zach's frown deepens as his hand cups my face. His thumb wipes a tear from my cheek. I hadn't noticed the many large droplets soaking my skin.

'We haven't got much time,' the boy from earlier says, hovering near us.

'Let's go,' Zach says gruffly.

His hand reaches for mine, our fingers interlock and we start to move along the hallway.

We pass open doorways which lead into dark empty voids. Zach keeps moving, leading me away from the moving box. Don't we need to get into it to escape this place? I try to say something but the words won't come. I'm scared of drawing attention to us or worst, finding out this is not real and breaking this amazing hallucination.

This has to be real.

I concentrate on Zach's tight grip, on the sensation of his skin against mine, of the very inappropriate feelings it's creating. Now is really not the time.

Zach lowers his torch as we walk through a set of doors. The lack of light causes him and his friend to become blurred outlines against the faint shadows flickering around us.

'They may already be on their way. We should avoid the main stairwell,' The boy whispers.

'OK.' Zach increases his grip on my hand as we continue forward through another set of doors.

This hallway is not empty like the one we left. In front of us are groups of confused and bleary-eyed people connected to a mass of tubes attached to little bags of liquid or canisters which they are dragging around on clanking trolleys. People hold screens lighting up their otherwise pitch-black surroundings with a blueish glow.

Zach turns off his torch, tucks it into his back pocket and pulls me close as we follow the boy. We slowly pass the huddled groups of people without being noticed, everyone is too involved in their own worries. I listen to their low urgent voices, confused and panicked. What's happening? Why are all the doors open? Why is there no electricity?

We continue through another set of doors and descend several flights of stairs until I'm squinting against the sudden bright lights. We stop by a set of doors. I'm panting heavily.

Zach glances at me and smirks as I struggle to catch my breath.

I've really missed that smirk.

Wait, he better not be laughing at how unfit I am. I scowl. 'What?'

'I thought you said I'd never see you like this again.' Zach's eyes drift over me causing me to look down.

Shit! I'm standing in only my underwear.

My face heats up. I quickly wrap my arms around my body which makes no difference. Zach grins as he takes off his jumper then pulls it over my head surrounding me in his intoxicating smell. I slip my arms into the sleeves and tug the bottom to cover as much as possible.

It doesn't cover enough.

'Well, I've definitely learnt one thing about you: you're not a fan of pyjamas.' Zach chuckles. 'Not that I'm complaining.'

I roll my eyes, ignoring his comment. 'How did you find me?

Zach stares at me for a moment. His eyes search my face as though it will give him the answers to all his questions. What does he see? Is all my pain and despair visible?

'From the playlist you created. The one titled My Escape.' He flashes me a wry smile. 'Your taste in music is as depressing as your taste in books. I knew it was you.'

He saw my playlist? He knew it was me?

My whole body is awash with sensations I haven't felt in too long. I lunge forward, wrap my arms around Zach and press my mouth against his. I missed this type of physical contact.

'Thank you,' I mumble against his lips.

'Remind me to do things for you more often. I could get used to this appreciative side of you.' Zach chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

'I think you're forgetting who spotted the playlist first. And got you access into the ward she was being held in,' The boy quips from behind Zach, startling me out of my little bubble.

Reluctantly, I let go of Zach and peer at the boy.

'Kit, this is Rubel. And he's right, I wouldn't have found you without him.' Zach nods towards the boy.

'I'm ready for you to start showering me with your affection now.' Rubel smiles broadly and opens his arms out wide.

'A simple thank you will have to do,' I say, stepping back from his outreached arms warily.

'I won't bite. Not unless you want me to.' Rubel winks.

'Are you really trying to hit on her in front of me?' Zach's hand fits into mine and our fingers intertwine easily. I don't want to ever let go.

But I have to.

Panic and fear hit me as I remember why I'm in the Techie settlement. I need to leave before Ben finds me.

'I have to get out of here,' I say out loud.

'Let's go back to mine. You can tell us what's going.' Zach tugs me towards the door.

I pull back, shaking my head. 'No, I need to get out of the Techie settlement. Right now.'

Zach frowns. 'You won't be allowed to return to the Naturalist settlement.'

'I can't stay here. If they find me they'll take me back. I can't take anymore prodding and testing. I have to go over the wall,' I say breathlessly. My body starts to shudder uncontrollably.  Dread crawls up my throat making it difficult to breathe.

I'm going to have to cross the wall. It's my only option. I can't go back to being tested on. I can't go back to Ben's fake friendship. I won't survive here. My only option is to take my chances out there.

I frantically look around for a way out. There's no doors leading to the outside, only more hallways. I'm boxed in, confined to a maze of hallways and rooms.  This isn't the Naturalist settlement where the outside is easily accessible.

I really wish I was in the Naturalist settlement.

'What's going on? Who will find you?' Zach's hands grip the sides of my face and he forces me to focus on him.

'Ben. Louisa. The people in white coats. They've been testing me, infecting me, taking samples, trying to make people resistant to disease. I can't go back. Please, don't make me go back.' My words muddle together.

Zach and Rubel exchange a look. Don't they believe me?

'We'll leave now.' Zach squeezes my hand reassuringly and faces Rubel. 'Can you get the bag from my place?'

Rubel frowns but nods. 'Meet you in the usual spot?'

'Yeah, but if we're not there don't go looking for us,' Zach says over his shoulder as he pulls me through a set of doors into another hallway.

Rubel says something but his words are cut off by the closing doors behind us. Zach doesn't turn back to find out what he said. His hand tightens around mine as he leads us forward.


Zach said, 'don't go looking for us.'

He can't come, it's too risky. I won't be the reason he endangers his life. Maybe, I'm reading too much into his choice of words.  He probably didn't really mean us.

Yet, I can't stop the image of us crossing the wall and wandering the outside together.

My heart aches. Me and Zach together? Now, that is a dream.

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