47. Disturbance in the night

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A searing red glow causes my eyes to spring open. The glare from the bright light burns my retina, forcing me to reclose them. The pressure of their hands on my arm makes my lips part but my scream is swiftly muffled by skin.

I'm back in the bright shiny windowless room. They're going to do more tests. The prospect of further agony fills me with dread. How did I get back here? When?  Why would Ben not tell me I was being brought back?

The bright light fades. I slowly open my eyes and come face to face with a boy, his face coloured in shades of grey.


I freeze at the sound of my name coming from the stranger's mouth.

He whispers, 'I'm going to let go. Please don't scream.'

I press my lips together underneath the skin of his hand and nod slowly as confusion replaces the panic.

The boy moves his hand from my mouth slowly and keep my promise. I wipe my lips with the back of my hand but the salty taste of human sweat remains.

Who is this boy?

Glancing around me, I realise I've not been moved. I'm still in my room with a view. The light in his hand moves, illuminating the room and casting eerie shadows which dance across the walls and open doorway.

The door is open.

I don't hesitate. The only positive thing to come from my experience in the Techie settlement is I've learnt I need to stop thinking too much.

My feet hit the floor and I run. I hear the boy call my name. I don't stop. Out in the grey hallway, a light moves towards me. I run in the opposite direction. My legs feel heavy and slow. I'm not moving fast enough. I'm stuck in a nightmare where my body moves too slowly no matter how hard I try to speed up.

A real living breathing nightmare.

The footsteps behind me get closer. I reach the end of the hallway but there's nowhere to go. The wall doesn't slide open like it did before. There's no box to step into and take me away.

I'm going to have to fight back. I can do this. I will do this.

I swivel round to face my attacker and a small cry escapes my mouth.

This is a dream.

This has to be a dream. It's the only explanation I have for seeing Zach's frowning face.

Author's note:
All I can say is .... Finally, he's back! <3

Turns out I can say more: please don't forget to vote xx

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