31. Unknown

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I can't open my eyes.

Apart from a slight flicker, they remain sealed. All I know is I'm surrounded by a bright light. It's so bright it burns through my closed eyelids causing a blinding red glow. My throat is swollen, every swallow causes a cascade of pain down my neck.

Unknown voices speak in the distance. The words are faint as they struggle to filter through the thick fog filling my head and stopping me from making sense of what's going on.

'Why have we not started?' A female voice says.

'We should wait until she's fully conscious,' a male voice responds.

'That's not necessary.'

'It's what was agreed.'

'I want you to start within the next hour, regardless of whether she's fully conscious. We've already wasted enough time. Notify me when the results from the samples are ready to be processed.'

'As you wish.'

'And ensure a message is sent to the Naturalist Council saying we escorted her to the outside. Wait a week before you tell them her body was found by the expedition team. A report will need to be put together stating she died of Virulence. It will prevent any further questions being asked, whilst giving the family and friends closure.' The voice fades along with the tap of footsteps.

I'm no longer in the Naturalist Settlement?

A low humming fills the space. My head and heart pound loudly, matching a faint rhythmic beeping in the background. All the noises are foreign and strange.

Forcing my eyes open, I see a strip of intense white light which hurts my eyes as though I'm staring at the sun. Black spots dart across my vision as I turn my head to see multiple screens connected to wires and tubes inserted into my skin. My clothes have been replaced by a thin gown.

They undressed me.

My stomach heaves at the thought of someone touching me. Thick straps circle my wrists and ankles, restricting my movements and preventing me from getting out of the bed I lay on. The straps cut into my skin as I tug against them. I scream, only a hoarse growl comes out.

How did I get here? Why do I not remember?

Four people walk into the room with white coats, shinning screens in hand, their blank unfriendly faces cause me to recoil. I only recognise one of them, the same person who was there when I was made the offer to transfer, Ben.

I'm in the Techie settlement.

'What's going on? Why am I strapped to the bed?' I croak.

'Past experience has taught us restraints are usually necessary in these situations. It's a safety precaution,' Ben responds. The others stare at me expressionless.

What situation?

Ben adds, 'it should only be temporary.'

I look down at the restraints and fear sweeps through me. I'm trapped, and if they're restraining me it means they plan on doing something I will clearly resist. I wretch slightly. My chest heaves heavily as I thrash wildly in a desperate bid to loosen the grip of the straps trapping me to the bed.

'You need to calm down so we can explain the reason for you being here.' Ben steps forward, his arms reach out for me which makes me panic even more.

'Don't touch me. Don't you dare come near me,' I shriek. Agony shoots up my hurt ankle, and I cry out in pain.

'Kit, listen to me, you need to stop struggling or you're going to hurt yourself,' Ben says soothingly. His pathetic attempts at calming me are drowned out by the harshness of the room, the sharp painful brightness, the constant noise drilling into my head.

I'm already hurting.

Ben and his associates move towards me. I wriggle frantically, desperately trying to free myself. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from these lunatics.

'Don't touch me. Please don't touch me. Please don't touch me.' My repetitive begging gets louder as they get nearer. My pleading bounces off the overly bright and shiny walls, filling the room with a shrill ringing.

They're touching me.

A sharp pinch in my leg makes me flash to a previous memory of hands pressed against my mouth and body. My eyes widen in shock, and I'm screaming; uncontrollably high pitched cries which shred my throat on their way out.

'No, no, no...' I hear the words echoing far off in the distance.

Through the haze settling over me, I see Ben's face, his brow narrowed in determination or maybe it's sympathy. I can't tell and I don't care.

Continuing to scream, I no longer know if the sound is coming out of my mouth or if it's trapped in my heavy head. I'm detached and no longer in control; a bystander in my own body. The recognizable sensation of being dragged down takes hold but this time I don't fight it. This time I freely surrender to the relief of nothingness.

Authors note:
I'm adding a lot of chapters next but they're all short so don't get scared :) xx

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