37. Unknown

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The symptoms may not last as long but they are definitely worse.

I would take a lifetime of the previous pain over a second of this.

Acidic bile works its way up my insides, shredding my throat and causing my body to convulse. The ground beneath me sways and tilts, so I remain curled up on the bed to prevent myself from falling and tipping over the edge.

My body is burning up, every cell overworking and creating so much heat I'm certain I'll combust at any second. My thirst is unquenchable yet every time I drink, the water evaporates on contact with my lips. I don't understand how. Surely, that's impossible?

I'm crying or I think I am. I can't tell if tears fall or steam escapes. I'm slowly shrivelling up. I'm going to die of dehydration caused by too much crying.

I don't want to die.

The fever has gone and been replaced by a lethargic ache. Ben and Louisa are muttering in low tones, while I lay motionless with my eyes closed. I'm thirsty and uncomfortable. I need a drink however the thought of moving requires more energy than I have, let alone the action, so I remain still, trapped by exhaustion.

'She needs time to recover. If we proceed too quickly we'll lose her and everything we have been working towards. We don't want a repeat of our previous study.' Ben's voice sounds almost silky, the soothing tone he uses so often on me.

'I don't want to waste time,' Louisa hisses.

'We are both aware of the research showing a healthier and less stressed participant provides more successful results, so we can't be too hasty. You said yourself, there have been enough delays, and we'll have more if we don't ensure a suitable amount of time for recuperation. You're so close, you wouldn't want to jeopardise all the hard work you've done.'

There's a pause, a shuffle of who I'm not sure; Louisa wouldn't want to show any weakness yet I can't see it being Ben either. He may not speak to me in front of her but he's not scared of Louisa. Ben's quietly confident around her. He knows how to deal with her which means all his conversations are carefully constructed to twist her opinion so, more often than not, she inadvertently agrees to Ben's suggestions even though she is clearly the drive behind the testing.

Does Louisa know he manipulates her as much as she manipulates him?

'Once her condition is stable she'll be ready for the next stage. As soon as she returns to her initial baseline levels, we'll continue,' Louisa snaps.

I shudder. The next stage means further tests, more needles and prodding. What will happen when they're finished with me? Or will this continue until I go crazy or die?

I want to object, to run and fight. Instead, I feel myself slipping back into unconsciousness as the exhaustion takes hold of me again.

Author note:
I hope it's not getting to Science-y ...
Personally, I miss Zach <3

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