29. Sunday/ Dreaming of yesterday-day

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Yesterday must have been a dream, an amazing lip-locking dream. My swollen tender lips act as a reminder that it was real. Very real. A day spent with Zach in my bedroom. The two of us intertwined on my bed, talking and kissing the entire morning.

Burying my face into my pillow, I inhale his lingering scent. I want to stay here forever, wrapped in his intoxicating scent while enjoying the hum of excitement and happiness flowing throughout my entire body. The only problem is the bell hanging on our porch is clunking loudly which is odd. It hasn't been rung in forever.

Pulling on some clothes, my bad ankle hinders my progress, slowing me down so much that when I hear my parents footsteps pad towards the front door I haven't even got one leg in my trousers. Muffled voices drift through the walls as I fumble with my clothing. As fun as it is not to have to carry out chores while my ankle heals, I seriously can't wait for it to get better, even if it means I'll have to return to daily weeding.

I grab my crutches and enter the lounge. Through the open door, I see Amina and Jeremiah standing in front of the porch surrounded by what looks like all the other Council Leaders.

They know about Zach.

My throat constricts, a tightening of my insides pushes all the air out of my lungs. Slowly hobbling towards the porch, I hear my parents talking in low strained voices. My parents are losing another child however this time there will be no bending of the rules.

I'm going to be exiled.

Stepping through the doorway onto the porch, my parents walk towards me.

'Do not approach, Kit.' Amina orders loudly, making us all freeze in shock.

'What is this about?' Dab asks, looking calm and in control except his shaking voice gives him away the fear he's trying to hide.

'The neighbouring settlement informed us a girl and a boy were seen climbing over the wall last Sunday. The girl was dressed in Naturalist clothing and the boy was one of them. The description they provided matches Kit, and she is known to visit the woods on a Sunday. Also with the recent revelation of her unusual friendship with the boy, it has led us to the only possible conclusion. Kit, is there anything you would like to say in your defence?' Amina looks sombre.

Jeremiah beside her is glowering at me and the other leaders behind look even more menacing. They are out for blood, my blood. There's nothing I can say which will get me out of this.

I look at my parents, their expression pained. I wish I didn't have to do this. 'It was me, but my parents didn't know. They thought I was in the woods.'

The Leaders take a step back in disgust. Daa lets out a whimper as Dab reaches out and clutches his hand. Amina looks astonished, whether it's in light of my actions or my admission I'm not sure. She probably thought I'd lie.

There's no point in lying. I've been found out.

'This is a serious offence, Kit. You have put the whole settlement in serious danger.' Amina shakes her head in disappointment.

'You can't exile her. There is no rule in regards to crossing the wall.' Daa straightens up, and I glimpse a side of him I rarely see; the argumentative part of him which I guess he used often in his old life.

'You are right, there are no rules specifically stating not to cross the wall,' Amina says carefully.

'Because I doubt anyone ever expected it to happen,' Jeremiah interjects. His thinning grey hair exposes brown age spots on his scalp. His face looks haggard, and the scowl only adds to the harshness of his words.

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