16. Saturday/ Waiting for tomorrow-day

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Several Techie students and Hope were taken by the Drifters. No one knows where, but we all know they'll never return. School was cancelled for the rest of the week. I wish it hadn't been. I could use the distraction.

Our Council leaders decided to give us minimal chores in order to allow us time to recuperate and recover from the stress of the attack and losing Hope. I've spent most of my time at home, hiding away in my room. I only leave my cabin to eat or to sit on the porch with Mattan.

Mattan's secretly been giving me wood from his supply so I can make a box which can only be opened if you know the trick. Grip a specific part and the inside compartment slides out to the side even though it looks like it should open from the top. Me and Mattan were shown the design by one of the carpenters when we were younger, and the one we made is in my room, or it was until I snuck it to Mattan a few days ago. I should have left it in the storage shed for twelve weeks first. I didn't.

I finished making the new box this morning so for the rest of the day I've been aimlessly walking around the cabin waiting for Mattan. Every evening, he turns up after dinner and we sit on the porch talking. It's not quite like old times but it's better than nothing.

Sitting on the porch steps, my eyes drift over the cabins of my settlement. I can't wait to be back in the woods tomorrow. Because of the freedom, not because of Zach. I don't know why I even bother lying to myself. I'm going because I want to see Zach.

The only problem is how am I going to get my parents to agree. This last week they've been even more overprotective, checking in on me regularly and wanting to know my exact whereabouts. The only way I'll be able to go into the woods tomorrow is using the avoidance approach. If they don't ask about the woods; I won't mention my plan of going tomorrow. Simple.

Axel waves at me from a distance and I wave back.

Please, don't come over.

He's coming over. 

Standing, I display my most convincing smile. It's bad.

Axel stops a metre away. 'Hey, Kit.'


He shuffles uncomfortably. 'We were all wondering when you were going to come down to The Rec?'

When I think you won't ask me to explain what happened to me and who I hid in the cupboard with because I don't want to lie to you all anymore than I already have. 'I'm not sure. With everything that has happened it hasn't felt right.' I'm only slightly bending the truth.

'What happened to Hope was terrible but it wasn't our fault. She was just unlucky,' Axel says trying to sound sympathetic but it turns out his acting skills are as terrible as mine. I can clearly hear the relief that it wasn't him who was taken. 'I'm heading there now, you should come. We'd all like to see you.'

'Maybe later,' I say vaguely.

Mattan walks towards us, and a real smile spreads across my face. Axel glances over his shoulder to see who approaches looking slightly anxious, but his face relaxes when he sees Mattan.

'The band has created a new song too. Come to practise tomorrow? I'd really like to hear your opinion on it,' Axel says.

You mean you want to torture my ears then force me to pretend I enjoyed the pain. 'I don't know if I can make it tomorrow. I've already promised to do something.' I'm a bad lying friend. 'But I'll definitely come tonight so I can hear the song.'

'Great. I'll see you later.' Axel smiles, seemingly pleased with my change in heart. He nods at Mattan before leaving.

I slump down onto the porch steps and Mattan joins me, leaving a small gap between us. The physical distance we allow is not enough to satisfy the Council leaders. It's been mentioned several times to both us and our parents, but Mattan continues sitting too close. I'm secretly proud he's willing to put up a bit of resistance for me.

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