Chapter 33

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(Surprise!!! Another Chapter! I kind of forgot about Taylor, but don't worry! ;) )

Taylor's POV

I sat back in the driver's seat of my car, waiting on Kristine. She was talking to some YouTubers or something. I thought about how cute her and Dan were. And then I thought about how cute Niall and I were.

His blond hair...his blue eyes...he was so, so perfect to me. And I was so, so lucky to be going on a date with him!! Can you imagine?! I must be the luckiest girl in the world! His Irish accent was just a dream. Was this all a dream? Nah.

Wait. When were we going to have our first kiss? Where were we going on our first date? WHEN were we going on our first date? So many questions filled my mind, and I couldn't wait for them to be answered! My heart soared at the thought of Niall and I holding hands somewhere. Anywhere! And then...

He'd slowly lean in towards me, and then I'd lean in towards him, and then... and then...

"Taylor?" I heard an all-too-familiar voice asked. Ugh. Why did HE of all people have to ruin my fantasy?

"Yeah?" I groaned.

"I...I'm sorry." Taylor said.

"Whatever." I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

I know that over a million girls would love to be in my position, simply TALKING to Taylor Caniff, but I just really didn't care anymore. When you got right down to it, he was kind of a jerk. Or at least, he was to me.

"No, really. I'm really sorry for everything and anything I've done." Taylor said quietly.

"Why should you be sorry?" I said as sassily as I could. I don't want to develop feelings for him. Not now, not again, and not ever.

"Because I've done terrible, terrible things, and Taylor?" He said.

Oh no.

Oh please no.

"What?" I mumbled. Don't even, dude.

"I think..."


"I think..."


"I think I still have feelings for you..."



"Well I don't have any feelings for you, Taylor!" I screamed. "After all you've done? Broke my heart twice? Once because I had a fight with my BEST FRIEND? And then you shunned me and didn't say anything to me when I went to prom with Harry! And I KNOW that he made you mad but that was NO EXCUSE to punch him! Why do you keep doing these things?"

Taylor opened his mouth as if he was going to say something back. I didn't want to hear it.

"Don't even start. I don't want to hear it. I'm done with you and your little mind games. Goodbye." I rolled up my window and started to pull out. I could hear Taylor shouting, but I ignored it.

"Taylor!" He shouted. "Taylor!" I started driving on the road. "Watch out for Nash! He likes you!" I rolled down my window.

"Ask me if I care! He's just as big of a jerk as you!" I shouted. I kept driving and eventually lost sight of the school.

What am I even doing? I guess I'll just drive home.

I reached my house and flopped down on my bed. I was so angry. I grabbed all of the pictures of us. Next to my bed, On my wall, in the little shoebox in my closet, all of them. I grabbed my dad's lighter and walked outside. All I could think of was rage.

I walked out to our little fire pit and threw in some branches from the trees in our yard. I lighted the fire and pulled up a chair. As the fire grew I looked at all of the pictures we had. Some of us kissing, some of us on Twinkie day at school, some were pictures of me kissing him on the field after his soccer games. I regretted every single one of these pictures.

Then I remembered I was supposed to take Kristine to my house tonight.


I couldn't go back to school, Taylor would be there. Kristine would have to get Dan or someone to drive her over here. I texted her about what happened and returned to my project.

The fire was at full force now. The perfect time. I set aside some of my favorite photos. Kristine could help me with those.

One by one, I threw the photos into the burning flames of hatred.

"You're a jerk." I said as I threw photo number 20 in.

"You're nothing but mean." I said as number 21 burned.

"Why did I ever fall for you?" I shouted as number 22 crumpled in the flames.

At somewhere around I was down to the last ten, Kristine and Dan pulled into the driveway. I waved to Dan as he left. Kristine hopped over the fence into my backyard.

"Whatcha doing Tay-" Kristine stopped once she realized what I was doing. We stared at each other for a few seconds so Kristine could comprehend.

What would she say? Would she judge me for doing this? Would she hate me? Would she-

"Can I help?" She asked.

"Nothing would delight me more." I said with a smile. I pulled her over a lawn chair and we sat in silence, throwing the photos in. We got to the very last one, it was one of me, Taylor, Dan, and Kristine. We all went to the movies together.

I snatched a pair of scissors I brought with me and cut Dan and Kristine out of the photo and handed it to her. She stared at me with a confusion.

"I only want to burn the bad memories." I said with a smile. I tossed the last portion of the photo in and Kristine I hugged me. We sat there for a while like that, hugging as the bad memories burned away.

"You know what we could do with this, right?" I said.

"S'mores?" She said. We both laughed.

"Exactly!" I said! We ran inside and came back out with chocolate, marshmallows, metal rods, and graham crackers.

We made the s'mores with laughter. We talked about all the good times we had, hopes and dreams, and we sat out here until around 3 am just talking and taking turns getting new branches for the fire. We had to keep the fire going because that's what we were doing.

Burning the bad memories away.

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