6 years later

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"Hey Francesca, Hey Sammy!" Lily said to the daughter of Rachel and Octavian and the son of Frank and Hazel.
"Hey Lily!" They said in unison. Lily giggled at them. Lily sat down in her usual seat with Zoë.
"Hey Zoë!" She said. Zoë immediately Brightened up.
"I haven't seen you in forever! How was school this year?" Zoë said.
"Geez, still as many questions as ever. It was good, top of the class, as always." Lily said. Zoë reached down into her bag.
"Want some blue cookies?" She asked. Lily stifled a laugh.
"Those are purple." Lily said.
"Darn, Must of taken my sister's." She said. This time Lily reached down into her pack.
"Want some Black and Orange and Red and Yellow cookies?" She said brightly.
"Did you're dad make them?"
"I'm the reason that they're not dust!" Lily said. Zoë shook her head. Lily shrugged, and then stuffed the cookies in her mouth.
"Anyway, II'm going to sleep. wake me up when we get there" Zoë muttered. She put her earbuds in and fell asleep. After waiting awhile, Lily slowly reached for the iPod. She suddenly blasted the music up to top volume.
"MY EARS! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Zoë yelled. She ripped the earbuds out of her ears and glares at Lily.
"It wasn't me it was Luke." Lily said innocently. Lily listened while Zoë screamed at Luke.

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