At Camp

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"So Lily, How's you're first 5 minutes been so far." Zoë asked. Lily shrugged,

"Fine, How 'bout you?" She said.

"Just glad to be off that bus. I really shouldn't have eaten the cookies you and your dad made." Zoë replied.

"Well you had a choice, and I did offer you those blue marshmallows." Lily smirked. Zoë looked at her questionably.

"And I did tell you who stole your blue cookies." Lily sighed. Zoë stared her down.

"Okay fine, I just might have eaten your blue cookies." And with that Lily took off towards the Hephaestus cabin. Zoë chased after her. Lily safely got into the cabin and triggered the lock set. Only a Hephaestus child, Athena child and Aphrodite child could get past it. (Don't ask.) Zoë pounded on the door.

"Open up! If you don't I'll break the door down!" She yelled. Lily smirked. Hopefully she isn't smart enough to Get an Aphrodite child, Athena child and Hephaestus child to help her. Lily snuck out the back window just in case. She hid under Zeus' Fist and waited. After about 10 minutes, She came back out.

The dinner bell rang. Zoë was never one to miss out on dinner, and besides, she was starving after trying to break her stupid lock system open.

Lily was already there, talking to her siblings like nothing had happened. The food appeared, and she immediately scraped off some strawberries. She sat down and started shoving food in her mouth.

"Slow down Lily." Said James, Will and Nyssa's son, sitting down next to her.

"Ro fawar Ranes." Lily replied. James was a legend, like her. James looked at her. She swallowed.

"I said, Go away James." She muttered.

"Oh come on, you know you don't hate me." He replied teasingly . Lily glared at him until he went to sit down at the Apollo table, raising his hands in surrender.

On the other side of the lunch hall, Zoë talked to Miram, Malcolm's son.

"Why do you have to be taller than me! It's not fair!" She said to him. Miram just smirked.

"Because iI'm awesome." He said. Zoë widened her eyes in exasperation.

She picked up a gummy worm.

"Well this is exasperating!" She yelled, accidentally flinging the gummy worm onto Chiron. She noticed and started cracking up. Soon everyone was laughing.

"Oops." She muttered.

Camp Half-Blood: The Legends: Playing with Fire and WaterWhere stories live. Discover now