Prologue Part 1

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Argus' P.O.V

I stopped at the corner. This new bus is really handy. 5 children got on. One of them had curly blonde hair,eyes the color of a stormy sea, and tan skin. She looked so much like Annabeth it was hard to tell that it actually wasn't her. Another one, Had caramel colored out of control hair, Dark eyes with specks of blue, and pale skin. She must be a new person to camp because I don't recognize her at all. The third to get on looked like the first girl, except for the fact that he's a boy. The fourth and fifth were obviously twins. They had Black messy hair, Grey/green eyes and tan skin. One was a girl and the other was a boy. they all took they're seats and we went on to the Camp Half-blood, as that was the last stop.

I own not the Percy Jackson Series. And I don't feel like saying this again, so...


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