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3rd person

"Come on, Let's play Tartarus!" Emily screamed. They were all crowded into Lily's room, at the Valdez residence.

"Okay, can i be Mommy?" Zoe pleaded. Mind you, they were only 6. Emily nodded.

"Hey Lily, Do you wanna play?" Zoë pleaded. "We don't have a daddy yet."

"I wanna make pwetty twiangles!" Lily frowned. Emily thinks.

"Hey Crystal?" She asks.

"Fine, I'll be Uncle Percy." Crystal mutters while playing Fruit Ninja on her phone. She loosely grabs onto Zoë's wrist.

Emily pulls on Zoë's feet. Crystal lets go of Zoe's wrist. "Oops." She says nonchalantly. She goes back to playing on her phone. Zoë falls on her head and pops back up.

She lets water stream out of her hands. Lily's head shoots up. Her hand sets on fire and she lets it flare up.

"And I set fiiire, to the rain!" Zoë and Lily sang off tune. Emily looks out the window.
"Crystal, Why is there a legion of monsters out side the window?" She asks.

Crystal snaps her fingers and the whole legion is struck by lightning. Just then Leo and Calypso get home...

Camp Half-Blood: The Legends: Playing with Fire and WaterWhere stories live. Discover now