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I stormed back to my cabin. It was humiliating to, for one, be shorter than Miriam and almost shoot him in the heart, and two, getting beat by Lily at my mom's favorite weapon! I crashed on my bed.
"Hey Zoë." A bored voice said. I looked over. Great.
"Hey Crystal." I replied in the same tone. Crystal was the daughter of Piper and Jason, was my babysitter when I was 6, and is dating Luke. As far as I know, Crystal hates me. I immediately headed out of the cabin, getting my bag of belongings. I headed to the Athena cabin when i crashed in to Miriam "great" I thought "now he can make fun of me in ancient Greek too" why ancient Greeks well technically i should have been there but i was in a stormy mood . " GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT "Crystal called "oh great" i mumbled . i turn around to see the one and only Crystal grace coming after me "Hades that girl look like a mad man sometimes " ill save that for later . i turn to Miriam " hide me " I plead yes i pleaded to the one person that annoys me more then my brothers Luke and Charlie . He looks at me and i notice how his ey.....NO i will not start ranting . "now Zoë say plea.." he doesn't finish i don't let him i shoot him my signature death glare . " okay" he grabs me by the hand then realizes and says "follow me" . I run after him and we run in to the woods .
"Where are we going " I asked not out of breath I am one of the fastest at camp. I was running after him did i mention not only is he taller then me but he's also faster "dam i hate that boy so much" he mutters something about me being infuriating " hey were are we..." I run into him for the second time today then i see were we are Zeus' fist. I looked at him "why are we hear ?" then he grabs my arm and pulls me towards the fist . He looks around and pulls away some vines and there's a entrance to some thing like a cave we walk in let me just say it was dark . Then i felt something by my ear and jump i look closer and see a spider ,at the same moment a feel a gut wrenching pain i double over in pain . Miriam looks at me .
"Hey, I'm a daughter of a daughter of Athena. Why else would you think that spider looks ready to attack me?"Is what I wish I could have said but in stead I gasp in pain . Something about this place and the spiders it just , just bad . I feel a hand grab my arm and I realize that I am falling my head is still spinning and images are whirling through my head and I relies that my mom and dad are in them I start seeing them more vivid my parent surrounded by peop... Wait no monsters a cat , old hag lady's , my dad bleeding though his chest him controlling poison . I shudder and realize I have tears on my face I feel a scream rise in my throat . Suddenly I am being picked up and the pain starts to fade and I relies who is carrying me . Miriam stops and sets me down by a tree I am still crying . He looks at me and says " hey zoë you okay ?" I shake my head in a nod but I stop I just relies I have a terrible head ache and feel like sleeping then I hear voices I look up and relies how late it is it was only around three when we left now it looks like midnight . Then I hear a familiar voice Luke ! I think Miriam calls out and foot steps running towards us my brother stops looks at us and pulls us both In to hugs " where have you two been " and I relies he's crying I reach up and wipe away his tears " you've been gone for two days . Then a look of forgetfulness crosses his face as more voices get closer and suddenly he calls out " I FOUND THEM" foot steps come running towards us and suddenly me , Miriam , and Luke are all squished in one big group hug when we are all done my mom looks at me , so dose my dad . They both look from me to Miriam to me again . " what happened ? You were gone for two days ! " I look at both of them . Then my head shrieks with pain and the only thing I can think is ' oh yeah I have that wired head ache ' before every thing goes black .
This fabulous chapter was written by me DaghterofPosiedon21 !!!!!


How can you spell your own username wrong @DaughterofPosiedon21 ?

Camp Half-Blood: The Legends: Playing with Fire and WaterWhere stories live. Discover now