A Different Kind of Sibling Rivalry... Part 1

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Jesy POV

I could feel Clary's anger radiating off her in unrelenting waves that made the atmosphere tense and almost claustrophobic. I was still happy with my decision of getting her out of there, her and Jace out of there to be more exact. Those two are like a match and a rock. It was incredibly cute the way he got so angry at the woman for Clary, I doubt he is the kind of person to appreciate that judgment, it could be something but given their history they are more likely to have eachother's backs. I bet he knows her more than I do and I took an oath for us to be joined together till we both shall die.

With that thought bringing a slight smile to my lips I looked behind us, to see the others following us swiftly back to the cars. My eyes fell upon Jace's rigid posture and golden eyes that had hardened to one of the most steely of gazes I have ever witnessed. I guess that's why he's Jace Herondale with the skill, the body and the attitude he is famous for to our kind. I remember when I first met Clary, she came to Idris wanting shadowhunter training, along with the whole baggage of being Jace's ex-girlfriend. This being no understatement, their relationship was practically a modern day fairy tale among the young people of Shadowhunter Academy.The 'ex' part didn't matter to the hordes of jealous girls who tried to scorn her and make her life a misery for just that reason. Another reason being that all of the guys wanted Jace's ex girlfriend, whether it was a prize or just to spite the notorious shadowhunter. That's the whole reason I was drawn to Clary in the first place, she was strong and was always much more than two steps ahead of the game, she was playing it her way. She was the centre of this whole thing and she couldn't be less a part of it. She always kept her head and never relented to the pressure of it all. 

We all divided at the cars, each getting into the vehicle we had came in. Though this time I insisted I should drive, Clary needed time to calm down and me and Isabelle decided we should go to the institute to ease the tension and make sure everyone was ok.

Clary POV

I couldn't find it in me to argue with Jesy when she wanted to drive, the anger in me had quickly subsided into me just feeling slightly ill as before and very tired. I just clambered into the passenger seat of my car and let her drive, with Jace, Isabelle and Simon in the back. Magnus and Alec were taking their car and made some sort of agreement with Tobias about dropping him at one of his gigs tonight. I just closed my eyes and reclined my head back on my seat, absently switching my attention to the songs on the radio, to the conversation of the others in the car. Nobody really spoke of what happened back in the tent with Lorien and I was glad, glad there weren't any questions directed at me either. I don't think, today of all days, that I would be very convincing with my cover stories of what she could have been talking about.

When we got out of the car, I could see by the set of Jace's shoulders that he wasn't angry any more or maybe he was just good at hiding it now. Either way, it made it easier for me to pretend everything was normal, and I was thankful for that. Izzy and Jesy had decided it was better if we all went back to the institute for a while. It would help nerves to calm down and just make sure everyone wasn't too shaken after today apparently... well, suspicion confirmed, they did think I had something wrong with me. I just obliged, I couldn't be bothered to care. I also couldn't be bothered to pretend I had been through a great ordeal either, so I decided to stop thinking about it all together.

The door automatically opened as we approached, like usual and we all crossed the church-like foyer and filed into the elevator. My feet felt heavy as I trudged down the familiar corridor, though I had been here once already after I'd come back to New York I still felt nostalgia as I eyed everything in my path. It seemed we were heading towards the library, which had always been my favourite room. There was something almost mesmerizing about the high ceilings and the arched windows that cast a ethereal light over the statue of Raziel and the grand piano. The walls were lined with books and artifacts of shadow hunter history, the room was overwhelmingly full of lots of different things that I would love to draw. I never got the chance to draw much of the room before.

It had only been a half hour since we arrived at the Institute and Isabelle decided we should go and get a bit of training done but I think it was just to get me out of the way of Bethan. Apparently, her sister was arriving from Idris today and was going to stay for however long. I felt a little comfort knowing that every other inhabitant of the institute was dreading another member of Bethan's family arriving because even though I do tend to be spiteful, I try and not to be outrageously mean for hardly any reason.

After borrowing some black training clothes from Isabelle, me and Jesy joined her in a fairly normal workout for a few hours. The time melted away and eventually, almost two and a half hours had passed of us doing sit ups, running laps around the room, press ups and other forms of exercise alternately. When we had been exercising for around three hours, Jesy decided it was enough for today and we should just give up and see what everybody else was up to. Though I knew she secretly wanted to go and see whether the girl, Bethan's sister had arrived and what she was like. My guess was, a carbon copy of the bleach blonde herself, just give or take a few years.

From the idle chatter going around the room over the three hours, we leaned that the sister was called Helena and was due to arrive an hour ago. I pondered over whether I would end up strangling her as I did with her sister while I went to one of the empty guest rooms to shower and change back to my normal clothes. I just hoped I'd run into her soon. After all that had happened today, I found myself smiling.

Thanks so much for all the reads and positive feedback this story has recived!

I am so sorry about not updating in a while, I've been trying to keep up with school and other stuff. Hopefully you like this update but it is kind of a filler chapter to be honest and I wanted to give you something before I go to Sicily in a couple of days. Thanks again for all the positivity! This chapter is unedited so hopefully it has few mistakes.


Please check back for the next update! I can promise a lot more drama :)


Love Bec


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