Chapter 26

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3rd POV~

Both Gandalf and Pippin sit on the stone steps sweating, tired and pale from half way of panic attack breathing heavily.

Pippin looks over at the gates seeing the soldiers try to put up a barricade.

"I didn't think it would end this way.." Pippin says quietly.

"End? No, the journey doesn't end here," Gandalf shakes his head.

Pippin looks up at Gandalf questioningly.

"Death is just another path, one that we all must take," Gandalf looks down at Pippin as he stares back with fear in his eyes.

"The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it," Gandalf said that last part to himself.

Gandalf drifts off in thought.

"What Gandalf? See what?" Pippin asked.

"White shores ... And beyond . . . A far green country under a swift sunrise," Gandalf explained.

Pippin stares up at Gandalf as his face softens and instead is replaced with peace.

"Well, that isn't so bad," Pippin murmured.

"No.... No it isn't," Gandalf says softly with a small smile.

The two shutter under another blow to the gate.

Théoden is trying to rally his crying men and neighing horses.
"Rally to me! To me!" Théoden commands.

Suddenly the witch-king swoops down on his Nazgul scooping up
Théoden and his horse. They Cartwheel into the air and
land in a heap, the horse is dead and Théoden lies dying
beneath it.

The witch-King swoops down on his fell-beast with an evil grin.

"Feast on his flesh!" The witch-King points to Théoden.

A guard steps in between the beast and Théoden, it is Éowyn who stands between them.

"I will kill you if you touch him!" She snarls in warning.

The witch-King just laughs mockingly.

"Do not come between the Nazgul and his prey," the witch-King growls.

The fell-beast lifts Éowyn off the ground as if she weighed but a pin.

With a mighty sword blown, the fell-beast's head is severed! The huge creature crumples to the ground, vast wings.
out-stretched, sending the witch-king sprawling.

The witch-King rises now furious with what she had done.
With a terrifying screech he sent her flying backwards shocking the poor girl in a pretty brutal smack.
Another powerful blow made her skid across the ground before she could even react.

He laughs standing over her with a mace in hand ready to bring it down on her. She raises her shield as the mace comes flying down sending her shield in fragments.

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