Part 7: That Way

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Amber's POV

"Why are you taking that down?" Andi asks. 

I reach across her to stuff the rainbow ornament inside the glove box of my car. We're parked against the curb by my house. My parents aren't home yet, but they will be, and I can't let them see the rainbow.

"My parents," I respond.

"They don't know about you?"

I shake my head. "Nope."

"Do you think they wouldn't be okay with it?"

I sit back, considering it for a second before replying, "I don't know. I'd rather not take the chance."

Andi nods and closes the glovebox with the gentleness one would need to pet a butterfly. She looks back up to me after and smiles. I chuckle a little at her care in handling my car as I exit the vehicle, slamming the door behind me to make sure it's tight. Andi comes around to meet me and walk up to my house. 

I open the door to let us in, and I leave my shoes on the mat. Andi gazes around at the small living room which becomes the kitchen and dining room at the back. Overall, my house is pretty small compared to my other friends' places, but it's all I need. I spend most of my time in my room anyway. 

The unique features of my home include the paintings and artwork covering the walls from floor to ceiling in every available spot. They vary in size, but they're all colourful abstract pieces. To compliment them, green plants grow from pots in every corner and on every table or shelf. 

"Woah," Andi reacts. "This reminds me of the green house from Harry Potter."

"You're the first person to make that connection," I say with a laugh. "My parents like making art when they're not working."

"Is any of it yours?" Andi asks. "You paint too, don't you?"

I step into the room with her, watching as she inspects every inch of the walls. 

"I do," I say, "but I keep most of my art in my room."

She looks back to me, eyes wide. "You have to show me."

I smile and wave for her to follow me. I lead her up the stairs and down the hall to my open door. my pale yellow walls are far less full than the main floor's are, but there are still several pictures hung up. 

"You're a really good artist," Andi says. 


She goes over to sit down on my bed while looking around at the rest of the room. I take a seat beside her, keeping a respectful distance away, so I'm surprised when she shifts closer to me. I turn my focus to our touching knees and shoulders, confused by her action, but she stays starting out at the walls. 

"I like that one," she says, pointing ahead at a self-portrait I did when I was 15. 

"Thanks," I respond. "I didn't like the way my eyes turned out. I think they're a little lopsided."

"Let me compare."

She looks over at me after examining the painting. It's as though her eyes get stuck for a second before she glances back at the painting again. 

"I think it's perfect," she says eventually. 

As she continues looking at my paintings, complimenting the parts she likes, she lets her head fall on my shoulder, and I'm not sure how to react. She makes more comments, but I can hardly hear them over my brain telling me not to try anything; this girl is straight. It's almost agonizing having a pretty girl leaning on me and not being able to kiss her, but this is just something girls do, I guess. I kind of hate how straight girls can get really close platonically, yet my gay mind overloads with anticipation when I even touch a girl's hand by accident. 


Andi's POV

When I get home that night, I walk in to see Bex and Bowie sitting across from each other on the couch. My dad holds my mom's foot while they read their own books. 

"Hey," I say as I close the door behind me and walk over to stand by them. "What are you doing?" 

"Just reading," Bex responds. "How was hanging out with friends?"

"It was good," I reply. 

"Are they liking high school so far?" my mom wonders. 

I hesitate for a moment, considering whether or not I should mention that I wasn't with Buffy, Cyrus and Jonah. I don't want to lie to my parents, and I guess just telling them about Amber wouldn't hurt anything. They just can't meet her. 

"Actually, I was with a different friend," I say. 

"Oh, who?" 

"Her name's Amber."

"Amber, huh?" Bowie says. "Is she from school?" 

I nod. "She is. She's really into art and dance and stuff." I purposefully leave out the part about how she does those things to put off doing her schoolwork. 

"That's great that you're making friends," Bex says. "Have you met anyone else? Any boys?"

"Uh, well, I've met a few other friends, but no boys," I reply. 

"Good," my dad responds. "Teenage boys are gross. Stay away from them."

He chuckles as Bex gives him a light kick to the shoulder as a result of his comment. 

"So you haven't met anyone who makes you feel that way?" Bex wonders. 

"That way?" I repeat, suddenly curious for more information. 

I already know what way, but I think I just want a reminder, because I've been feeling a little off-balance lately, mostly around Amber, and I think I need someone to tell me again what that way feels like to reminds myself that whatever I feel with Amber is totally normal and I shouldn't worry.

"You know," she says. "Someone who steals your focus, makes your heart race. You want to be close to him, and it feels like you're floating whenever he says your name."


"That's that way?" I double check, hoping she'll change her mind and say no. 



Suddenly feeling unsteady, I take a step backward, saying, "I just remembered I've gotta take a shower tonight, and it's getting late, so I'm gonna go do that."

"Okay," Bex responds with a nod.

I hurry out of the room and toward my own bedroom. I fall back on the bed as I try to untangle the mess of thoughts running through my head. Everything my mom said about liking a person that way is how I feel around Amber. But is that even possible? Could I have a crush on Amber? 

My question is answered by the butterflies that rise in my chest when I hear my phone ding and pull it out to see a text from the girl herself. 

Amber: Next time, Harry Potter marathon?

My pulse speeds up as I type my response.

Andi: Sounds great! I'll bring the snacks. 

While I watch the bubble on the screen which lets me know that she's typing, I find myself unable to hold back a smile. 


A/N: No Tyrus in this chapter. Sorry. The next chapter will be heavy on Tyrus, though, as well as the one after that I believe, so yeah. Thank you for reading! I love you all!

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