Part 18: Where Were You?

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Cyrus' POV 

Jonah and I walk together to Andi's house. Buffy isn't here, because she's on a date with Marty, which she promised to tell us all about afterward. We're just going to get Andi so that we can all walk to The Spoon together. I really like these times when it's just Jonah and I, because they're the only times when he really opens up. Although pretty extroverted, he tends to hold off on sharing the details about his life that I like to hear, such as how he's going on and on about Walker right now. 

"And then he lent me his jacket," Jonah says, "and . . . Wow, how did I think I was straight for 14 years?"

I chuckle along with him as we walk. 

"That sounds like a date to me," I respond. "So did you tell him how you feel?"

"I did," Jonah replies, "and he likes me too, and, oh, yeah, we kissed."

"Jonah!" I shout. "That's not something you just casually add in. 'Oh, yeah, we kissed.'"

"Oh, because 'and I'm gay' is so much better," Jonah counters with a laugh. "How are you and TJ anyway?"

"He hasn't spoken to me since this morning," I answer. 

"I'm sorry for bringing it up," Jonah says. 

"It's okay," I respond. "I'm just looking forward to hanging out with my best friends and not having to think about him at all."

Andi's apartment comes up on our left, and Jonah and I step up to the door. Jonah knocks, and Bex greets us with a smile. 

"Hey, guys. Andi's just in the washroom," Bex explains. "She'll be out in a minute."

"Thanks, Bex," I respond. 

"Jonah, how is your cousin liking being back?" Bex asks. 

I glance at Jonah, confused as to what Bex is talking about, but Jonah looks just as puzzled. 

"My cousin?" he repeats. 

"Yeah," Bex goes on. "The one who you had the welcome back party for."

"Uh, I think you might be mixing me up with someone else," Jonah suggests. "All my cousins live in Maine, and I'm pretty sure they're all still there."

"What?" Bex responds. "But Andi said . . ."

Suddenly, a bang sounds from inside, and Bex turns around to see her daughter picking up the book that she just accidentally knocked off the back of a chair as she was trying to make a quiet retreat. 

"Andi?" Bex says with a confused expression. 

"Uh, we'll leave you two to talk," I say. "This seems like a family matter."

Andi's POV

My mom closes the door as Cyrus and Jonah vanish from the doorway. Then she spins around, folding her arms over her chest. 

"So there was no welcome home party," Bex states. "Where were you on Friday?"

My thundering pulse hits my lungs, making my breath tighten up. I never really thought this through very well. All I was thinking about was doing anything to be able to see Amber. I should've at the very least told Jonah about my lie so that he could play along. 

"I was, um . . . I was at a different party," I confess. 

"A different party," Bex echoes. "Like, an actual high school party? Was there alcohol at this party?"

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