Part 13: Isn't It Obvious?

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Andi's POV

"You look scared," Amber says. 

We stand on the porch of the house of whichever one of Amber's friends this belongs to. Unlike how I imagined it, there's no ear-killing music, and I don't see a thousand people packed into the place through the window. There's just an overwhelming stench of marijuana seeping through the screen in the window. 

"That makes sense," I respond, "since I am. Who's all here?"

"Not a lot of people," Amber assures me. "Just some of Tasia's friends and a few others. I bet there are a lot of cute boys here."

I should just tell her now that I'm not straight. This is the perfect Segway, but then I'd have to tell her how I realized that, and I don't know how to explain myself without explaining that she's how I know I like girls. 

"Great," I say instead, clenching my teeth to keep myself from screaming. 

She smiles and reaches for the door handle, but I grab her wrist to stop her, and she turns to me. 

"Amber," I say, "I've never been to a party before. I mean, I've been to parties, but not, like, a real party."

She twirls her wrist out of my grip and takes my hand instead, giving it a squeeze. 

"Don't worry, Bambi," she says, "I'll protect you."

She reaches for the handle, keeping her other hand connected to mine as she pushes open the door. We immediately descend the stairs into the basement where the party is mostly consolidated. It's not near as chaotic as I pictured it would be. There are still a lot of people here, but most are just hanging out and talking while drinking whatever is in all those cans, bottles and cups. Amber leads me through the space toward a group of girls, whom she greets with a hug which unfortunately means she has to let my hand go. 

I recognize Iris, but beside her are two other girls, both whom I don't know. I've seen them before, though. One of the girls has black hair in braided spirals that fall down her back like a waterfall, while the other has an blonde roots that fade into a pale pink at the ends. Her aesthetic is particularly interesting because of her torn, black jeans and loose, black shirt with fringe at the bottom that looks like it was home-done using a paper shredder. 

"Andi, this is Tasia and Pepper," Amber says, pointing to the girl with braids then to the one with the faded pink hair.

"Hi," I say shyly, feeling like a chihuahua among a pack of wolves. 

"Hey," Tasia responds, "you guys want anything to drink?"

I'm about to say sure, but I realize what the drinks she's referring to are when Amber answers first.

"No thanks," Amber says, "I'm driving."

"No problem," Tasia says, then she looks at me. 

"I don't drink," I tell her.

She nods and begins talking about her day, explaining all about how there's going to be an improv show before Halloween and how it's a practice for the team's competition in November. While she talks, Iris steps around to me, and I spin away from the conversation to listen to what she says. 

"Have you met my girlfriend yet?" she asks.

"Libby? Yeah, I know her. She used to date my friend."

"Oh, small world."

I notice Libby talking to some other kids over by a dark wood bookcase. Overall, the room has a very western vibe. The furniture is all brown leather, and there's a horseshoe hanging on the wall next to a giant wooden wagon wheel. 

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