Part 12: What Friend?

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Cyrus' POV

I walk back into the science room, trying my hardest not to let my lips turn up into a grin. I have to bite my cheek to keep my calm expression, but on the inside I'm anything but calm. TJ Kippen, the tall, cute basketball player who only associates with jocks just kissed me, Cyrus Goodman, the exact opposite of a jock. 

Jonah spots me as I approach him and Buffy in lab area again, asking me, "How'd it go?"

His question causes the ends of my smile to curl at the memory of how it went, and Buffy's eyes widen. 

"You kissed him!" she states. 

I open my mouth to defend myself, but I have no basis for argument. 

"You said you wouldn't kiss him," Buffy says.

"Technically," I altercate, "I said I wouldn't come back and tell you I kissed him, which I didn't. You did."

Buffy's look of shock changes into a laugh, and Jonah gives my shoulder a friendly punch. 

"Looks like you're the first one of us to reach that goal we made," Jonah says. 

"Well, almost," I respond. "He didn't mention what we are or what he wants us to be. And with him so worried about how his friends see him, I'm not really sure what he wants."

"Why don't you tell him what you want?" Jonah suggests. 

I take a moment to phrase my response in my head before saying it out loud. 

"TJ is like a stray cat in a new neighbourhood" I finally reply. "You can't just go outside and pick up the cat or it will run away. You have to let it get comfortable with its surroundings first."

"Wait, so you think you're the first guy he's liked?" Buffy clarifies. 

"Maybe not the first he's liked," I say, "but definitely the first he's kissed."

Jonah's attention is diverted by the chime of his text tone, and he takes out his phone to read his messages. Buffy and I watch curiously as he smiles wide at the screen. 

"What are you so smiley about?" Buffy wonders. 

Jonah doesn't even hear her, so she tries again to get his attention by clapping loudly in front of his face. 

He snaps his neck up, saying, "Yeah?"

"Who are you texting?" Buffy asks. 

"Uh, no one," he replies. 

"Yeah right. Let me see."

Jonah tries to hide the phone behind his hands, but Buffy reaches over to grab it. He hardly even puts up a fight, knowing he'd just lose anyway. When Buffy looks at the messages, a look of confusion flashes on her face. 

"Since when are you friends with Walker?" 

He stutters as he answers, "He's—uh—he . . . We did a lab together last week. I guess we just started talking."

"Interesting," Buffy says. "So do you smile that much when all of your friends text you?"

Jonah freezes for a second before flatly saying, "Yes."

"Sure," Buffy responds, not believing him a bit. 

She raises an eyebrow and gives me a glance, and I catch on to her thoughts immediately. 

"You know, I'm pretty sure Walker is bi," I mention to Jonah. 

"Cool," Jonah responds, but his calmness is interfered by the blush creeping into his cheeks. 

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