bus love #3

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Ray's pov:
me and frank woke up everyone by pouring water on them, we decided to hung out with the newest member ,Max who is pretty cool but he can't play guitar well enough to play on stage,  he play drums for us ,but he was a little bit mad at me and frank for always bothering him when he's working on his books and drawings, which we did only to him because we love the face he gives us, but he does talk to Mikey more then anyone else on the bus, so I'm gonna be watching him closely to make sure he ain't doing anything funny to Mikey.

Max's pov:
I like hanging with the guys and all but I think Ray is mad with me I don't know why but it's probably  because I hang out with Mikey a lot but I just like hanging out with him because he's cool And doesn't make a thousand joke's about comic book characters all the time but I can see why Ray is mad Mikey doesn't talk that much to many people,i mean he does talk to is me, gerard, frank, and Ray so there should be no problem ....... Right..... .

Mikey's pov:
I kinda like Ray but he always talking to frank and max so I probably have no chance, maybe I do because he always gives me a look of ,.....I don't know it looks like he eye's me up a lot but I don't know if he dose like me or not I'll ask frank "HEY frank can I ask you something private" " sure what's up " "well do you think Ray likes me like, like like me or not " "ah well I don't know maybe if you talked to him more maybe you'll find your answer " " k thanks because I...i....li..lik.....like....h...hi...him..." " wow well tell him when your ready" " ok" and with that I went to talk to Ray but.......he was talking to a girl who didn't look like she was here to meet the band so I went to the only other person I knew I could trust with this information beside gerard I went to Max I ran into the bus and bumped Ray's shoulder on porous to startle him I had already had tears in my eyes as I saw the girl grin at me then look concerned for my well being I heard her say "is he okay" and with that I ran even faster to Max once I got to him he had a concerned look plastered to his face and said" you ok Mike you look sad what's wrong" " Ray he, he's talking to a girl I don't know if she is here to meet us or is here for Ray i...i..don't....know...what...to...do...because I am in......l...l...lo...lo....lov....lov...love with him"I said that while sobbing into Max's shoulder he just rubbed my back and made sure I was ok and calmed me down enough to where I could speak with out stuttering "hey, hey, hey it's gonna be ok I promise" he said with a soft tone it was the first time I had heard his voice so soft "thank you Max you are a true friend" he smiled at me and gave me a big hug or what he calls a bear hug I felt safe.

Max's pov:
I'm gonna kill Ray after this, well not really but I am gonna have a talk with him to find out who that girl is and I promised that Mikey would be safe but I don't know if I can protect him forever but I know that he will be safe for now and no one else will hurt him.

Gerard's pov:
"Hey is he ok "" yeah he's ok he is just resting for a bit but who was that girl that Ray was talking to outside" " oh you mean Ray's GIRLFRIEND yeah she's nice and all but why was Mikey crying" " Hey Mikey can I tell gee" " sure" " Mikey likes Ray like, like like Ray" " wow well I guess I know why you were crying now " " ya think" he said sarcastically into my pillow gerard just rolled his eyes and then said"well he and is girlfriend arnt doing well so you might have a chance" gerard said to Mikey and after we talked and made Mikey happy again we all went to bed and sleept for 2 days.

Ray's girlfriends pov:
I can't stop thinking of that other guy who was crying it looked like he was mad at Ray or me but he did act wired when around him it looked like he was in love with MY boyfriend but whatever me and Ray are PERFECT for each other and no one NO ONE WILL TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME EVER not even that neard.

                     ***time skip***
Author's pov:
Ray woke up to his girlfriend and signed in regret for letting her be there so he carefully got out of the bunk and went to wake up Mikey but noticed that he wasn't in his bunk so he went to go ask Max if he knew where Mikey was till he saw Mikey being cuddled by Max and Ray woke Max up as fast as light so when he woke up he just asked "why'd you wake me up it's 5:00am in the morning du-" " don't give me that crap what the hell are you doing cuddling Mikey" he said after he cut max off but soon enough max answered"I fell asleep when I was writing last night and I must of started cuddling him on accident ok but what do you care don't you have a girlfriend to tend to "" I just-" " don't even if you want to tell him how you feel, you got to take care of the hole girlfriend deal before you say anything to Mikey okay " "o-" " I mean it Raymond Toro" " ok I will" and with that Ray went back to his bunk and woke his girlfriend up and had brought her to the main area where they all eat and hung out in and told his girlfriend everything ,but having feelings for Mikey"hey we need to talk ok" " ok what ya want to talk about baby " " we need to brake up" " what you're joking right , arnt you joking Raymond answer me " " ....." "RAYMOND ANSWER ME " she yelled loud enough to wake everyone up " I'm not joking we do need to brake up " " FUCK YOU RAYMOND AND YOU CAN FUCK ALL YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS TOO AND YOU AND THAT CRYING LITTLE BITCH CAN GO FUCK EACH OTHER" "HEY THAT CRYING LITTLE BITCH IS MY BROTHER LEAVE HIM ALONE AND GET OFF THIS BUS I DON'T CARE WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW BUT GET OFF " " YOU CAN'T DO THA-" "I CAN NOW GET OUT " "FINE. HEY MAX WHY DON'T YOU COME AND SAY GOODBYE TO ME OR SHOULD I CALL YOU ELIZAB-" " DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT NAME OUT LOUD YOU HORE NOW GET OUT NOW OR I'LL MAKE YOU " " WOW TOUGH GIRL ARNT YOU "Max ran over to her and punched her and then kicked her off the bus "hey max I don't think you should of done that she is a girl" " so am I " " what do mean your a girl " " I'm transgender FTM female to male I have started T and have gotten my name leguly changed and I got everything but the surgerys " " well we don't think any less of you , you are more of a man then some of us can be some times" "thanks guys" and with that they all asked Max questions about the hole transgender thing .

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