A reason to live

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Hey guyys author here. Before we get on with the story I'd like to ask you to check out my other story called Among The Stars it's a sci-fi adventure type of story with a bit of romance sprinkled on top. It would mean so much to me if you checked it out and let me know what you thought of it .
Self promotion over. Get on with the story please...

(Pick above is Kira)

Finding an apartment that I could afford and that allowed animals was a pain in the a$$. But I did it. It is close to college but still closer to town than the dorms.

It's rather small but I like it. There are five rooms in total. One bedroom,one guestroom ,one kitchen and a living room.

It's pretty bright because of the large windows. The livingroom has bright orange walls that hurt your eyes but the bedroom has dark blue ones. I don't know what the last people living here where thinking but I honestly don't really care. Kira and Mister love it here.

It's our little home. Did I mention it's next to the vet clinic I work in? Yeah. That's really cool.

So far everything is working out for me. I'm doing good with my classes and finish all the homework on time, i don't see Zena at all ,and having Kira and Mister around helps me since they keep me company.

I still feel like I'm drowning. It's just that I'm stuck at the same depth right now. I don't keep going down. But I'm still under the surface. Still waiting for someone to pull me out.

For a reason to live.

And that reason came in an unexpected form.

On December 5th  little Lyla came to the world. She was a premature baby but Ethan and Emily were ecstatic. The first time I got to hold her and she looked me in the eye I felt my insides warming up. She is the most perfect little girl ever.

During the Holidays I would visit Emily at the hospital where Lyla had to stay for about half a month before she could go home almost every day.

And then the accident happened. And it was horrible. Everything around me was losing its meaning all over again. But this time I had a reason to not drift back in the ocean. I had a reason to stay.

A tiny little baby girl with a red lock of hair on top of her head and the smartest gray-blue eyes.

Ethan and Emily were driving back from a family dinner. Lyla was in her baby seat. The mini van crashed the blue fiat-panda that Ethan had bought last summer. Emily died instantly,Ethan was in life support for two days before they disconnected him.

I got in on the first plane when my father called and I got to see him one last time. Limp,eyes closed. As if he was sleeping in one of our sleepovers.

Lyla survived. The doctors couldn't explain how. I call it a miracle. She will have a scar on her arm to remind her of this tragic night. And now, with her grandparents unable to care for her because of age and with Emily having no siblings Ethans brother, Tom was next. But he didn't want her. He claimed he wasn't ready for a child. And guess who was after Tom...

You guessed it. Me. I am her godmother after all. So now, i have my final exams in college to study for,a part time job,a dog and a cat, an apartment and last but not least, a baby.

Like okay...I love her with all my heart but it still scares me as hell. I'm travelling back to Canada tomorrow morning with Lyla. My father said he could come with me but I declined his offer. I have enough on my head.

I'll figure this out. I must. The judge thought I could do it. Ethan and Emily thought I could do it. I want to believe that Liam would too.

Time to meet some people! Someone who can babysit for example?

I have a month left of college and then I'm done. Kira and Mister love five month old Lyla but I doubt they can hold her while I'm taking my exams...Could they? No, i'm pretty sure I'd go to jail for that.

I guess I have no other choice. I think to myself as I watch Lylas sleeping form on my bed. She looks so tiny on the queen sized bed. I pick my phone and my finger stays above the call button next to Liams mother name.

What am I supposed to say? Oh hey Vivian how are you today? I would like you to help me with my new baby. Oh no,it's not mine,but it sort of is now. Thanks so much!

Ugh! What do parents usually do? I'm only 21 for Gods sake. How do teen parents manage? Lord give me strenght!
I press the button.


The exams are over. I'm officialy done with my education for now. Vivian has been a huge help. Of cousrse I didn't ask her to move with me or anything,but still her advise and the help of  The Great Internet have helped me so much to not starve Lyla or let her drown in her dirty diapers.

Zena helped me too. Vivian talked to her and with her help I got over the exam period. She would stay with Lyla while I was in college since our classes never were at the same time. And even though I wouldn't exactly call us friends I am forever grateful to her for helping me.

So here I am today. Done with my studies,caring for a baby girl. One of my favourite things to do with Lyla in days like today when it's raining outside is playing the violin to her. She seems to really enjoy it and she usually falls asleep afterwards.

At six(almost seven months old) she loves playing with her own two feet and especially chewing them, she enjoys pulling on my blue hair and watching the world around her while laying on her tummy. She loves baths and walks.  When I hold her or play with her she makes the cutest happy sounds and I adore the way her bottom lip quivers when she pretends to cry in attempt to get my attention while I do anything that doesn't involve her.

She is one smart baby girl!

And from now on,she is the reason I decide to live.

As I mentioned earlier today its raining so I wasn't planning on going out but I really need to go grocery shopping so I put Lyla on the ring sling baby carrier thing,grab an umbrella and leave the house.

Thankfully the grocery shop is only a five minute walk away so I don't have to walk in the rain for long.

About midway through my groceries I am trying to reach the chocolate cereal I love on the highest shelf.

But with my great high 'note the irony' and Lyla hanging from me it's a nearly imposible task. As I'm about to give up a hand appears in my view and grabs the package I've been trying to get.

I take a step back and look at the young man,around my age offering me the box with a smile and then almost laugh at how he stares at Lyla in shock.

I take the cereal from his hand while looking straight inside the amber pools of his eyes."Thank you". I say and his grin widens "You're welcome....


Hmmm.... lots of information in todays chapter. Did anyone see it coming?
I hope you liked it and that it didn't come off as hurried and messy.

Please vote and comment and don't forget to check out Among The Stars


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