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Felix proved himself to be an amazing guy. He and I have been hanging out a lot. He absolutely adores Lyla and she also loves having him around. Maybe I do too...

Once,him and I were walking out of the grocery shop and he was helping me carry my bags while lyla was in her sling on my back.

At some point he said something that caused me to laugh and a random lady passing by said something along the lines of "Oh you guys are the most perfect couple. Oh look,you even have a baby. God bless your little family" We tried explaining we weren't a couple but she was already gone.

In the past few months we grew close and he is a regular visitor. Kira and Mister approve of him and apparently so does my dad. He came to visit last week and Felix happened to come to ask if I by any chance had any spoons.

It didn't make sense but I gave him a spoon. My dad saw him and went all matchmaker on me. Which,let me tell you, was hella awkward and weird.

About five months later ,when Felix and I started dating he confessed that he didn't need a spoon. He just wanted to see me and meet my father. I laughed so hard when he told me ,that the people on the street we were walking on stared at me for a good five seconds.

When Lyla started talking she would call me mom and Felix dad. My heart wasn't strong enough for me to correct and tell her otherwise.

And soon, at the age of 23, I walked down the isle with my best friends's and now my daughter as my bridesmaid and got married to my knight in shining armor. It was the happiest day of my life.

He really was my knight. He saved me from the ocean I was drowning in and was the one who reached out for me first.

~3 years later~

I enter the large house after a long day of work in the marine life rescue center in Miami where I live my dream job as an animal trainer and rescuer. More specifically I work with dolphins like I always wanted to.

"Hey babe! Can you help me with this please"? The moment the words leave my mouth Felix appears from inside the bedroom with Mister and Kira on his heels.

"You shouldn't be carrying things" he scolds me as he places a hand on the small bump on my stomach. He has been even more paranoid about this pregnancy than I have. 

He scoops up the box from inside my arms ans pecks my lips before he walks to the kitchen of our house.

"Mommyyy"! Lyla comes running towards me and I lift her up putting her on the curve of my hip ignoring Felix's glare as I walk past him and into the kitchen.

"Hey babygirl. How was your day? Did you go to the gym this morning with Daddy"? She nods her head causing her ginger curls to bounce on her shoulders.

"Yes and guess who I saww." She blinks several times sheepishly.

"Hmmmm....Michael"! I pretend to think about it before I answer.

"Yes"! She squeals and I kiss her cheek before putting her on top of the counter and  rest my elbows on either side of her leaning forward.

"Hm. You know honey,he is kind of old for you though. Isn't he"? Michael is Felix's best friend and he is 24. Kind of a large age gap in my opinion.

"He'll be a granpa long before you babygirl". Felix says as he comes next to me and places a soft kiss on Laylas forehead and then in my blue hair.

"Just like mommy will be a granny before daddy." I smack his arm pretending to be angry.

"I'm only older than you for a few months." I whine and he wraps his arms around me looking me in the eyes.

"Excuses, you old grandma"

"Well if I'm older then I'm also wiser" i grin and look up sheepishly.

"You wish"!he winks and kisses the tip of my nose while resting his hands on the small of my back.

"Kiss warning" I say out loud before wrapping my arms around his neck standing on my toes and kissing him on the lips.

Lyla pretends to gag and closes her eyes with her tiny hands. When I pull back from the kiss, Felix grabs Lyla from the counter and throws her up in the air causing her to giggle. "Time for bed little monkey".

Kira barks happily as Felix jumps around with Lyla in his arms around the house. Our house. It's the most beautiful house ever.

Large, with a small backyard and enough room for hide and seek and a huge living room for Felix and Lylas crazy dancing and karaoke competitions every Friday night.


"She is asleep already. She was drained from swimming today".

"You went to the beach without me"? I pout as Felix sits down next to me on the couch and pulls me to sit on his lap resting his one hand on my baby bump.

"Sorry babe but you worked all day long. I had to do something with her or she would tear the house down" he chuckles and I hug his neck tracing the tattoos on his back with my fingertips. I know them by heart.

"You could have visited me at work". I whine and burry my face in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you today" i whisper on his skin.

"Me too" he answers and kisses the skin that is not covered by my loose shirt on my shoulder where my own tattoo is. It's a simple design of four birds. One for each loved one gone.

Felix was the one with the tattoos in our relationship but after he convinced me to get the first one and I did I couldn't help but get more. I fall in love with each one of them. The cross on the inside of my middle finger,the minimal design of a wave in my wrist,the words on the top side of my foot. "Walk by faith" and the birds on my shoulder.

I plan on getting another one with Lylas name being the stem of a rose. I'm not sure yet. Felix's excersised back is full of black ink and I really like it. He has a tribal design that covers the upper part of his back and the nape of his neck,and the rest of his back has different designs.

He gets one every time he travels to a new place. He has been to so many places with his previous job as a Broadway actor that his back is almost full and the ink started swirling down his right arm too.

When we got married he tattooed a dolphin on his ankle.

"I love you". I say fearlessly. At the beginning of our relationship I was scared to say those three words. But now I speak them out loud without fear. Because I learned that loving more than one person throughout your life is possible.
I think that Liam would be happy for me.

Now I have everything. I have a husband that is also my best friend and a daughter as well as a baby on the way. I have friends(unbelievable I know), a job I love and a house of mine full of good memories and love.

My dad enjoys visiting frequently and is so happy whenever Lyla calls him granpa. Tom has visited now and then. The first time I was scared he came to take Lyla away and I hid in my room with Lyla in my arms when he appeared at our doorstep but Felix reassured me he was here just to visit.

Lyla calls him Uncle Tom nowadays.

Our family is far from normal or perfect but it is perfect to me.

And I thank God every day for it.

                            ~The End~


Phew. What a journey am I right?
I almost cried writing this knowing it is the End. I want to thank all of you who read this story even if you are reading this a long time after I have finished writing it.

Thanks for all the support. I hope you enjoyed reading.❤❤❤

If you'd like you can check my other stories.

Love you guys,
your author

Cinnamon  [COMPLETE] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now