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They were right, I didn't need the worlds attention. Yours was enough ________________________
At the same night their party stops late at night, they all decide to sleep on our house since half of them are asleep. Others already went to the living room to sleep on the sheets
While me and Jin clean the whole mess they made, he was sobber alright, well the only one who is
After picking up the very last piece of trash and throw it at the bin, I take a deep breath before stretching my limbs
"Yona? may I talk with you?" Jin says from behind me, I turn my heel towards him and smile "um..sure"
Huhuhu Eomma Jin doesn't talk to me face to face except the time I always do bad things
I grow nervous when he crossed his arms "I know what you're planning to do.." I freeze, blinking my eyes continously I cluelessly stare at him
"Please, please, don't break up with him. It'll break his heart" with few of those words I already knew what he was talking about. "I Will. I can't feel it anymore Jin" I let out while glancing at the ground
He sighs before placing a hand on my shoulder "Think about Jungkook for once, after a year and a half of being a sleep and fighting for his life. He wakes up to realize the girl he loved gave up on him" he says trying to shake up my mind
"And with the closure you have with Yoongi. He'll definetely think you're in love with him and leave this group and whole friendship behind" I ponder for a minute, he was true to be honest
After feeling ever so happy about waking up, he sees me me with another man after breaking up, out of all people he would be the one to be hurt till the edge
"He has the biggest respect to Yoongi because he is-I mean was the Mafia boss and the guy he looked up to. everything that we shared will all be broken if you leave him Yona" he says while smiling sadly
"it may be selfish of me to tell this, but please place your own happiness aside for him" I nod while gazing at his eyes while trying to govern my disappointed feelings
"I get it"
I really do
-Next Morning-
I wake up slowly sitting up and stretch my limbs, I yawn while slowly stepping out of bed and retreat immediately when I step on something soft
Was that bullets poo poo?
I furrow my brows when I see Yoongi sprawled all over the sheets while drooling like a baby, I crouch down on my toes while staring at his cute face