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     The paladins were all minding their own business; Keith and Shiro were training, Hunk was baking what he hoped was lasagna with Lance talking to him about random stuff, and Pidge was working on a huge project— a time machine. It had many errors, and was only experimental, but she knew exactly what she was doing. Allura and Coran were chatting in the lounge when the room suddenly went very bright, which caused Lance and Hunk to run in from the kitchen.

     "What's going on in here, guys?" Yelled Lance. "I don't know!" Exclaimed Allura. Suddenly, the figure of a little girl appeared from the source of the light. The light went away, but the silhouette became visible as a small girl with lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and freckles covering her face and shoulders, and dark blue eyes. She had her hair in two small braids and wore a green dress. 

     "Coran, am I mistaken or is that a tiny human?" Questioned Allura. Before Coran could answer, Hunk interrupted. "Awwwww, she's so cute!" He said. "Hi, I'm April!" Said the girl. "Where are your parents, young one?" Asked Allura. April glanced around the room and spotted Lance. Her eyes lit up as she yelled, "Daddy! I found you, now we have to find mommy!" Said the elated little girl. "Um, I think you got the wrong guy, I don't have any kids—I think," Lance Said, a bit confused. 

     "No silly, I'm your daughter in the future," Beamed April. This didn't help though, as Lance was still very confused. " I came in the time machine that mommy built ten years in the future, I found it under a tarp in her room!" She continued. "So, do you know where your mommy is?" Asked Allura. "She should be here, but I don't know where," Replied April. "Well Pidge is very smart, maybe she can help," Hunk whispered to Lance. "Here, we know someone who can help you." Said Lance, right before April grabbed his hand and skipped while they walked. 

     Meanwhile, Pidge was alone in her lab and just finishing up her big project when all of a sudden, she heard a couple voices from the hallway. Quickly, Pidge covered up her creation with a gray tarp. 

     "Now we can find mommy!" Said April as they walked into Pidge's lab. The little girl's voice startled Pidge and she turned around to look at her. April immediately beamed with joy and ran up to Pidge. "Mommy! We were looking all over the castle for you, what are doing here?" Asked April. "Uh I don't have any kids, sorry," Said Pidge, pushing up her glasses. "Yes you do, when I was three you gave me those glasses," April said, pulling out big round glasses that were identical to Pidge's. "I'm April, your daughter from the future." April stated proudly. "Wait, if your from the future, how did you get here?" Asked Pidge. "Well obviously I used the time machine the built, how else?" 

     Pidge looked at her time machine in disbelief. No way, it actually works! 

     Her excitement then turned back to concern as she realized something. "Uh April, if I'm your mom, whose your dad?" Asked Pidge with worry. "Here right there!" She said, pointing to Lance as he was walking in, trying to catch his breath with Hunk, Allura, Coran, Shiro, and Keith behind him. Pidge was a bit confused until April grabbed Lance's hand and said, "Daddy look, I found mommy!" She said with excitement. Pidge and Lance both looked at each other with red faces. "So now that I found you two, I need help getting back home," April said, sounding worried. 

     Pidge glanced at her time machine and looked back at April. "I thing I know a way to get you Back to The Future ™️ ," Said Pidge, with a dorky smile. Took the tarp off of her machine and powered it up. "Whoa Pidge, you made a time machine?!" Everyone was pretty surprised she was able to keep this a secret for so long. "Well, I guess this is goodbye. I love you mommy and daddy," Said April as she hugged Pidge and grabbed Lance to join them. April looked up at the rest of the team and said, "cmon guys, what are you waiting for? Join the group hug!" Exclaimed the little girl. Everyone joined them as a bright light took over the lab and April stepped in. "Goodbye guys!" April waved them goodbye and both Pidge and Lance waved back.

     Lance looked at Pidge, who was still dumbfounded by the situation. "So... that was unexpected," Said Lance, trying to break the tension. "Yeah, I knew it would be a good idea to carry on my intelligence to the next generation, but I just wasn't expecting..." Pidge tried to say. "for it to also be my kid?" Lance tried to add. "Well, kinda. Its not that I don't like you, because I've actually fancied you for quite some time, though I guess I'm living proof that intellectuals don't really do... feelings very well." Pidge continued. "Okay I understood none of that, except for you saying that you like me." Said Lance, tapping Pidge's nose. She blushed really hard at that and so did Lance. 

     "Loverboy and pigeon sitting in a tree," mocked Keith. "Not now Keith, I think they need to be alone for a while," Said Shiro, winking at the two. "Well, if this doesn't work out, at least we know our kids would be adorable," Said Pidge. "Must get it from you then," Lance chuckled. "Your flirting tricks won't work on me, loverboy," smirked Pidge. "Then hopefully this will," Said Lance as he caught her off guard by kissing her. It was short but sweet and it was good enough for them. "Hmm, maybe it did work. Care to try again just in case?" She smiled. The spent the rest of the time messing around until Allura called them in for movie night. 

     And for April, she had the sneaking suspicion that her work was done.


Word count: 1024

Thanks for the support on my garbage book! Hopefully I will update at least once a week. These kind of take a lot of time but they're so worth it. Bye guys!

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